Broken Dagger, Southern Swagger

Come on, live it up while you can.

Delilahs P.O.V.

That night the guys had finished another show and I decided to go bug Alex as he helped put the merch back in boxes. They were just finishing up when I dove onto his back.
"Will you stop doing that?" he cried as I laughed happily.

"Psh, you know you like me on top," I teased as he put his arms under my legs to support me

"Yeah right," he said rolling his eyes; "hey didn't the guys buy beer today?"

"Yeah," I said nodding, "Lyric and I are hoping we can get Jon plastered so we can get him to do something stupid."

Alex laughed, "Well then arent you both great friends. I'll make sure to never get drunk around you."

I laughed, "Well you could always come watch as Lyric and I pull this incredible stunt."

He took one hand out from under my knee to tap his chin thoughtfully, "I suppose I could do that if you get off of my back that is."

"I suppose I could do that."

He waited.

"Anytime soon?" he laughed.

"I was thinking more like after we got to the bus."

He sighed in annoyance and I laughed. I knew he would do it so his annoyance made it even more fun. It had become something I did quite often.

"One of these days I'll have to do this to you." Alex said as he headed for the bus.

"But my poor fragile body couldn't handle it," I said sarcastically. He snorted. Oh well, he knew he loved me.

"Look Ben," Lyric whined as Alex set me down by the bus, "Alex gives Dee piggyback rides and he hasn't even courted her yet."

Ben grinned, "and what does that have to do with me?"

"Give me a piggyback ride!"

And so we got to watch Lyric nag Ben for a while before the guys broke into the beer. Lyric and Alex only had two, and I had none, where as the others got drunk. As planned Jon -and Aaron as well- got completely plastered.

"Hey Jon" Lyric said, "you know what would be sooo funny?"


"If Ian walked through a drive through."

Jon laughed, "He wouldn't do that," he slurred.

"Ya wanna bet?" I asked.

"Oh no," Alex mumbled.

"Allllll right!" Jon replied slowly.

"Okay," Lyric said, "If we can get Ian to walk through the drive thru tomorrow you have to get your nipples pierced!"

"Yes!" Ben cried laughing.

"And if I win, you do!" Jon added.

"Fine!" Lyric cried sticking out her hand for Jon to shake. He took it as Alex and I laughed evilly. Jon was soooo screwed.

And so they kept drinking and it appeared there wasnt gonna be another gas stop so Alex was stuck with Lyric and the drunks.

"So where am I gonna sleep?" Alex asked as the drunks began passing out in their bunks, leaving their shit all over the bus -including both couches.

"You can just bunk with me, it's no big deal unless you wanna share with Aaron," I suggested.

Alex laughed, "No thanks, I'd rather not be puked on."

"He has courted her!" Ben cried in a triumphant slur.

"Whatever Ben" I laughed.
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The last one was short, so I decided to post this one now!