Broken Dagger, Southern Swagger

I enticed the devil out with a bottle.

It was a bright afternoon a few days later, and we were all still in England with the afternoon off in the city when the guys, Lyric, and I decided to go sight seeing.

"England, England, England!" I chanted as I skipped between Lyric and John, "I like England."

John looked at me and rolled his eyes, obviously unimpressed by my slightly childish behaviour. I stuck my tongue out at him. I was 19 and still had plenty of spirit left in me.

"I don't think its all that great," Lyric said pulling her hair back into a pony tail, "like its cool but not amazing."

"Touche," I said with a nod, "but its full of fancy people."

"Fancy?" John said in confusion, "I haven't seen any fancy people yet."

"Well that's cuz they're all inside eating tea and crumpets with their glass tea sets!"

Lyric laughed, "I want a British teapot!" she cried.

"What about teapots who are Brits?" Ben asked coming over to walk beside Lyric.

"I want one," Lyric stated, "a glass one thats really fancy with a bunch of gay flowers painted on the sides."

I laughed, "That would be amazing!"

John chuckled, "not really."

"Hmm," Ben said as he stroked his chin stubble thoughtfully, "so if I obtain you such a teapot then you shall be very happy with me, therefore giving me a chance to court you."
Lyric looked at him in confusion, "you want to 'court' me?"

"Why of course darling," Ben replied sounding like a fancy old man, "come Delilah! This may not be New York City but I'm sure you can help me find that teapot!"

I laughed at his reference to my favourite Plain White Ts song and allowed myself to be dragged up the street.

"Wait!" Lyric cried, "I don't really want a teapot! I was kidding! THEY'RE STUPID!"

"No, no my darling!" Ben yelled in return, "I shall get you a teapot and then I shall court you!"

I was now almost pissing myself laughing as I was being forced to run after Ben as he drug me by my hand. Shortly after I got myself under control I saw that Lyric and the guys had vanished from sight and Ben slowed down.

"Where are we going?" I gasped trying to catch my breath.

"To find a teapot silly!" Ben replied, also gasping for air.

I sighed, "and where will you find on of those?"

He looked as me like I was insane, "this is England!" He cried, "they're probably everywhere!"

I grinned, "Right you are young grasshopper. Let our search begin!"

And so we visited probably about every fancy store in that whole damn city. There were plenty of other teapots, but none like the one Lyric described.

"You know what?" Ben said as we walked out of yet another store, "I feel like calling her up right now and saying 'fuck you and your teapot!' but you know what? I wont because I'm good to my woman! See I'm not just cute, I'm sweet too!"

I laughed at him, "well as sweet as your intentions are young Benjamin, I think we should give up," I said in a motherly type way, "because its 4:30 and I have no fucking clue where we are."

Ben slumped his shoulders and sighed, "I suppose your right mothe,r" he replied in a saddened but still taunting way, "Just a sec, I'll call Ian."

He whipped out his phone and diled Ian's number and after a while of naming street signs and nearby stores we were located by the bus, which pulled up beside us.

"Jesus we thought you guys would never come back," Aaron said as we climbed on the bus, "did you even find it?"

I laughed, "no!"

"Oh thank god!" Lyric said in relief, "I didn't want you to buy me one."

"Well I looked all over this whole damn town so I still better get some sex for that," Ben said seriously as he shook his finger at Lyric.

Lyric looked at him in disgust as the rest of us laughed.

"Well make sure you use protection," John joked, "We don't want our poor little Lyric getting pregnant!"

"Don't be silly wrap your willy!" Ian said to Ben trying not to laugh.

Ben grinned devilishly, "don't worry I will."

"You guys are retarded!" Lyric cried as I went into a laughing fit at the sight of her pink face, "I am not having sex with anyone!"

"Ppllleeeaaassseee!" Ben whined putting a pout on his face.

"NO!... Shut up Dee," she cried tossing a pillow at my face in annoyance.

"Oh!" I cried, "I'ma kill you bitch!"

"You guys are insane!" Aaron said shaking his head as Lyric and I Began a pillow fight.
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The last one cut the tittle off, it was: This is everything, it's either sweet or I dont see a point.