Broken Dagger, Southern Swagger

You Brought The Flood

Delilah’s P.O.V.

I sat in confusion as Lyric left the bus with Jamie looking far more famine then I had ever seen her. It wasn’t that she looked bad… she actually looked really, really good; it was just kinda… well odd.

“Ummm what’s happening to my friend?” I asked no one in particular.

“I duno, but I like it,” Ben said walking onto the bus looking quite stunned.

Jonny chuckled, “of course you would.”

“It’s kinda odd, I mean she does look good, but it does seam… well weird,” Alex said sensibly.

“I kinda think… well… is Jamie warping her?” I asked.

Alex laughed, “I don’t think Jamie knows how to warp people.”

I grinned, “I love how you can always make me feel better.”

“Well you two just remember what I said about this bus being off limits,” Ben said shaking his finger at us, “and remember-“

“Come on Alex, lets go see a movie,” I said cutting Ben off.

Alex laughed, “Okay then lets go!"

“Hay! This is important information!” Ben cried after us. We just laughed and left.

And so we went to the movies, there wasn’t anything really worth seeing so I picked a movie because I thought the lead actor was hot, which I think slightly annoyed Alex, but it made me happy all the same.

“I think the main guy was scary,” Alex complained as we walked back to the bus.

“Psh! You’re just mad cause I said he was hot,” I said grinning.

He glared at me, “oh so would you rather date him?”

I smiled, “of course not! His smile isn’t nearly as nice as yours and how do I know he’ll give me piggy back rides?”

Alex chuckled and gave me a kiss just as Jamie walked around the bus.

“Oh, ummm... hi Jamie,” Alex said stepping away from me.

For reasons unknown to me she didn’t glair at me, frown, or even look less pleasant.

“Hi, Lyric and I just got back from the mall,” she said simply, “I was just gonna go grab a coffee, you wanna come Delilah?”

Wait! Was Jamie… the Jamie, psycho bitch herself, who just saw mw making out with her ex… asking me to go for coffee?

“Umm sure,” I said with a shrug… what could it hurt right?

Alex looked at me and raised his eyebrow. I shrugged again. She wasn’t being bad lately, ya know bitchy wise, and so I might as well befriend her now while I could. That way I could avoid having her as an enemy.

“Okay, cool,” Jamie said as she started to head towards the sidewalk.

“Kay, bye,” I said giving Alex a kiss on the cheek, “I’ll be back soon.”

Alex raised his eyebrows again, but said nothing as I turned to follow Jamie up the sidewalk.

“ So why was your shopping trip?” I asked casually as we began to walk up the road.

“Oh it was fun, but uh,” she looked at the ground awkwardly as if afraid to finish talking, “Lyric was talking about Alex.”

I raised an eyebrow, “and?”

“Well… she said she really likes the way he squawks when she pinched him and admitted that his smiles were ‘very nice,’” she looked at me and raised her eyebrows, “I’m not trying to stir up shit or anything, but if I were you I’d be worried.”

I thought about this. Alex had said that he didn’t think Jamie was capable of plotting in any way shape or form, and she did sound quite honest… so really I had every reason to believe her… did I?

“But… on offence or anything, but Lyric is my best friend in the whole world and well you’re my boyfriends ex…”

“Oh. Well I just want you to know there is no jealousy here” Jamie said placing her hand over her heart, “I mean, I know that I was in the beginning, but that was just because you know Alex and I weren’t working out, and well you know, but I want us to be friends,” she smiled at me honestly and my heart sank. She sounded so sincere… it almost made me wonder about Lyric… NO! Lyric is my best friend ever! She would never ever hurt me!

“Oh ,course we can be friends,” I said with a smile and thought about what Jamie had said.
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Thanks to Music_is_love for commenting, this one’s for you! :D