Broken Dagger, Southern Swagger

Are you alright? I heard you got slapped...

Delilah’s P.O.V.

I collapsed into Alex’s arms back stage, trying not to cry. My face was still burning with the sore sensation of being slapped and my mind was rushing with too many things to keep track of.

“What’s going on?” Alex asked quietly, trying to calm me down.

“I don’t know,” I replied, my voice trembling with emotion, “I really honestly don’t.”

Alex rubbed his hand on my back soothingly but it did little to help the mixture of rage, confusion and extreme sadness. I hadn’t been talking to Lyric because I figured she needed some time to cool down. I had figured after a few days she would be ready to talk to me about what was going on, not slap me across the face!

“Alex what’s happening?” I cried taking my face out of his neck to look at him, “Lyric is my best friend in the whole world! We grew up together like sisters and now suddenly she just hates me a random! I don’t get it!”

Alex wiped a the stray tear that had leaked from my eye and looked at me seriously, “look I’ll go talk to Ben later and see if he can help figure out what’s wrong, and why in the name of God Lyric thinks you’re moving in on him or whatever the hell she thinks okay? Once we figure that out I’m sure you can talk to her.”

I nodded and put my head on his shoulder. If anyone could figure out what was up with Lyric it would be Ben.

“Oh my god Dee are you alright?” Jamie cried dashing around the corner. I looked up in confusion.

’How does she know?’

“Jon just said something about Lyric slapping you!”

“Yes she did, but we don’t know why.” Alex said coolly, “Do you?”

Jamie looked at him in shock, “what would I know?”

Alex shrugged, “I don’t know, I just thought you might know something about it.”

I looked from Alex to Jamie in confusion. Did Alex suspect Jamie of something?

Jamie frowned at him.

“Come in Dee, let’s go to the bus,” Alex said quietly and I nodded. I knew Jamie was concerned but I just wanted to be with Alex for a bit.

Alex’s P.O.V

I stayed with Delilah on the bus for a while before I had to go play the show. When I came back she had fallen asleep on the couch so I took advantage of this time to go talk to Ben.

“Hey Ben!” I called seeing him come out of the arena as I walked off of the bus. Ben turned to see me and walked over quickly. He looked concerned.

“Hey dude, what’s going on with Dee and Lyric?” he asked.

“I don’t know and the thing is, Dee doesn’t either,” I explained.

“What?” Ben said in confusion.

“I know, but Lyric is like convinced Dee is trying to steal you or something-“


“I know, it’s ridicules. But we don’t know where she’s getting these ideas but Delilah’s really upset.”

“Well no wonder Lyric just slapped her and those two used to be like sisters!”

“I know, but I’m wondering if there’s something or someone that’s giving Lyric these ideas.”

Ben raised his eyebrows, “Jamie?”

I shrugged, “I don’t have any proof but I’m not ruling her out or anything. I mean, I did brake up with her to date Delilah, so she totally hated Dee’s guts for awhile, but now she wants to be friends when Dee and Lyric start fighting?”

Ben nodded, “so what do we do?”

“Well,” I said thinking, “I think we have to keep an eye on Jamie and you have to try and talk to Lyric."

Ben shook his head, frowning, “she won’t talk to me! She just keeps walking away as if she’d mad at me too!”

I frowned this didn’t make sense.

“I’ll try and talk to her tomorrow,” I said, “but I’ve gotta go be with Dee now.”

Ben nodded and headed to the B.T. bus looking deep on thought. I headed back into the I.S. bus to find Delilah awake and no less upset looking then before. I sat down, wrapping my arms around her and gave her a kiss.
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thanks for the comments! :D