Glass Hearts.

Resurrected Memories.


I am super confused.

First I get caught by a dog catcher.

Then I get rescued by the girl i love.

And to top it all off it appears the girl i love is a danger to us.

What the hell could go wrong now?

Well, I can tell you what goes wrong.

I was ordered by, i guess you could call it our Student Council, to track and find Kat and her friends.

Right now our pack it in the woods tracking the one called Diana.

Her scent was really hard to pick up.

But we found it.

And we were getting closer.


I was running when I heard Diana over our 'connection'. She was whispering something to me. It sounded like 'Kat, I'm really sorry but i am about to get caught by the wolves. I love you and I really hope you get out of this. Love Diana.'



I ran to like hell to where i could sense her presence and blew threw the trees right in between her and the wolves.

They looked shocked, but right then I really didn't care. I started to growl and I could feel my ears and tail pop out. They all gasped as they finally figured out what i was.

People you must be all be quite confused. Right? Well I would be. Okay! So, I shall tell you what is going on.

My mother, Marianne, was a very famous ruler of a race of rare mythical creatures. She was a kind of creature called a Neko. They are creatures that look like humans but with cat ears and tail. Mine are white with light pink tips like my hair. They can also phase into these cat forms. Sort of like Werewolves, but not.

My dad, Charles, was the ruler of the Dark Court. In other words he was one of the four faerie rulers.

So, I am the offspring of two very powerful creatures. My friends are actually my body guards that I don't need. Liz and Kip are fairies and Diana is a Neko. I surpass them greatly in all aspects so I do not know why my parents assigned them to me, but I am quite grateful. Their my best friends and I love them dearly.

Okay any who, getting back to the actual story.

I was standing there in between confused werewolves and Diana, who was trying to calm me down, growling my ass off. Alex was first to speak.

"K-Kat? What are you?" Those words snapped me out of it and I stopped growling.

What am I?

Why was I growling at my friends?

Am I one of the monsters in horror movies?

Just then the Vampires broke through the trees.

"Okay. If you guys will listen for a while, I shall tell you all my story."
♠ ♠ ♠
I cannot write anymore without that survey!!!