Back to the Street Where We Began

These Are The Times That We'll Remember

My pregnancy passed crazy fast. It was one of the best time periods of my life. I loved the sensation of knowing I had another person growing inside me.

One hazy afternoon, Jon and I were sitting on the balcony of our apartment, when I felt an odd sensation between my legs. It was a moist feeling, I looked down and then it dawned on me that my waters had broken. A week early.

‘Jon honey’ I said loudly, he looked over at me and then looked down at the ground below me. ‘I think I need to get to the hospital’ I said in a sweet voice ‘would you be a dear and give me a hand?’

He stood up and rushed over to me, then helped me to the door grabbing my pillow and pre-packed hospital bag on the way out.

We sped to the hospital in under seven minutes. Once I’d been admitted and I was in my room, I began to freak out.

‘What if it goes wrong? What if I can’t handle it? What if its hurts too much? What am I going to do?’

‘Shhh, calm down it’s going to be fine baby. It’s all going to be fine, you’ll get through this, no problem. Plus you can squeeze my hand the whole time and I won’t even whine’ he said with a trusting smile. Damn you Jon Walker, and your amazing smile.

As I was gazing up at him, I felt a pain surge through my stomach, a contraction. I grabbed Jon by the hand and hissed.

‘Sorry about that’ I said sheepishly, nodding towards his hand.

‘Don’t worry, that’s what my hand’s there for’

After four (yes, FOUR!) hours and what felt like a million contractions later, I still hadn’t given birth. The doctor was due in any minute to see how far along I was, when she came in an hour prior, I was 8cm dilated. So hopefully now I’m up to ten.

‘Hello Mrs. Walker, let’s see how you’re getting on’ Mrs Walker? It still made me feel amazing to be called that.

‘Well, you’re ready to roll, Mrs Walker you’re at 10 cms’ the Doctor said as she smiled.
‘Thank god’ I said as I let out a short laugh.

‘1…2…3, push!’ Dr Roberts shouted.

I pushed with all of the energy I had left. The sharp cry of a baby echoed throughout the room.

‘It’s a girl’ the Dr. said happily as she passed her to me.

I looked at Jon and I knew he was thinking the same thing I was.

‘Hello Alissa Lindsay Walker’ I stroked the cheek of our daughter. Jon and I agreed on
names earlier. Alissa Lindsay for a girl. Lindsay in honour of my mom and for a boy Michael Jonathan, Michael after his dad and Jonathan after himself.

‘Lissa, do you want to meet your daddy?’ I passed her over to Jon, who had tears streaming down his face.

‘Hello Lissy’ he said in a voice that made it seem he was still trying to get his round the fact that she was real. Her eyes lit up at the sound of his voice, I knew she was going to be a daddy’s girl, I could just tell.
♠ ♠ ♠
When I ballsed up the chapters before, it made it so the last two are now really short. Sorry. The next chapter should, hopefully, be up later, lots of comment would probably make that happen [insert Jon puppy dog eyes here]


[/puppy dog eyes]
Can you say no to that face? No? I couldn't either!

