All We Know Is Falling

No Worries.

Some people just had everything they ever wanted.

He was one of those people.

Ian had it all; a large house, a beautiful wife, a decent job, a hobby which he loved and was great at, and his family. Everything was perfect for Ian.

His house was worth a fortune, but he didn’t have to pay rent or mortgage. He’d worked hard to pay that all off by the time he was 30. It had taken its toll on him, but now, he was free to do with his house as he wanted. Next week, they were due to get a swimming pool in the back garden. His wife was very happy, as she could now work on toning up her muscles some more.

His wife looked like a model. She was fun and happymost of the time and he had thoroughly convinced himself that he was in love with her. She had her off days, as did he. Everyone did though, didn’t they? Well, either way, off-days for them meant big fights. And his wife may have been stunning, but boy, she could stun Ian in a whole different way; when her fist hit has face that day, he was out cold. However, he loved her. That’s why he’d proposed. That’s why they lived together, in this perfect house. The perfect couple.

His job involved working in an office. It had been tough work, but he was now at the very top of the chain, second only to the manager. Assistant manager, and he was there only 5 days a week, unlike the 6 or 7 he had been forced to work first of all. His wife, girlfriend at the time, used to get angry because he was often too tired to spend anytime with her, let alone time in the bedroom. However, these days they were both very tired and it was a rare occurrence for them to have “mind blowing” sex.

His hobby; he finished work everyday at 3:30 but his wife thought he finished at 5 everyday. 2 days out of those 5, he would go to his friends garage, along with the five others that practically lived there, and he would sing. He would sing for hours, screaming his heart out, writing lyrics about everything that mattered to him. Him and his friends, the six of them, they were one of the little secrets he kept in his life.

One of the five days, he would visit his family in their little house. He was desperately trying to pump more and more money into their house, trying to get extensions. 4 of them lived in a 2 bedroom house, but he couldn’t afford anything big when his wife was so willing to go shopping all the time. His wife hated his family. She said they sucked the life out of him when he visited them; of course, they didn’t. They made him feel so happy because they ruffled his hair like he was a five year old and they made him home cooked food and he felt properly at home. His mum was the nicest person he’d ever met, not just because she was his mum, because she was generally caring about everything, especially him.

However, the last two days; they were what he really cared about. Those were the days he ditched all his inhibitions and false front which hesometimes put on. He could finally be himself. He didn’t have to sit down without messing up his house that he’d put so much money into. He didn’t have to hug and kiss his wife with that pure love he felt he had to have. He didn’t have to sleep with her at night. He didn’t have to pretend he had great sex every night.

He didn’t have to worry about the stocks of the company he was working for. He didn’t have to worry about what would happen if his secret trips to the garage and his family home would be found out. He didn’t have to worry about how much money he could give to his mother without the wife finding out, and he didn’t have to worry about how the band was tight on budget and he could afford to give them more money but couldn’t afford to pay with his life if someone discovered.

He could spend time with the one thing in his life which was his secret. He could relax and be a little pampered, just for once, without feeling anything apart from utter happiness. Of course, his family sort of provided that, but he was always watching the time with them because he had to be home.

Thursday and Friday; this made his 5 hours of pure heaven. He was always home a little late and his wife accepted that, normally because he bought her a meal or a present on the way home. Not out of guilt, surprisingly, just out of pity. He felt sorry for her. Poor little Ivy, stuck at home until she had to work, which was only for a couple of hours anyway. No-one really wanted models anymore- they were so easy to come by, and everyone knew that they were nothing special. Everyone decided instead to pay out big for the top models that everyone knew by name. Everyone knew Kate Moss and Naomi Campbell but it was difficult to get your name up there when people were so happy to just keep them up there, even through drugs and abuse claims.

But these were his days, when he was there he simply didn’t care. He simply sat down and relaxed. Sean was his best friend and so much more. Sean was his boyfriend. The dirtiest secret he kept, but he knew he would forget everything else to be happy with Sean. Ian knew that Sean was the one that made everything better, and that nothing could beat their time together. It was Sean that made Ian’s life truly perfect.