All We Know Is Falling

Day Fifteen: Home Time.

After a week at the hospital, Ian was well and truly ready to go home. Although he still needed to come back to get his bandages redone in a week, he was bored of being told to sit around and being told to get better. He needed to go home and laze around, spending time with his friends, and more importantly, time with his boyfriend.

Sean came up to Ian’s room with the wheelchair the hospital had rented out, which Sean had put flowers in the back and a small-sized seaside Wales flag on the back of, stuck down with cello-tape. Ian swivelled off of the bed and limped, with the help of Sean, to the chair, sitting down in it and being handed the flowers. Rita came in, gave them both a kiss on the cheek goodbye, and wished Ian luck. Sean wheeled his boyfriend out of the hospital, waving goodbye to Rita and the receptionist who had helped him out a few times. He stopped in the shop again and got a big chocolate bar that him and Ian shared on the drive home.

Ian was uncomfortable on the drive. Sean took it slowly because he wasn’t really concentrating on the road, and he didn’t want to hurt Ian. He was instead focusing on making Ian feel better.

When they got home, Sean helped Ian, who complained bitterly about being a moron and needing so much help. Sean tried to laugh it off but he knew Ian was properly annoyed about it, and not just messing around. Ian had always been pretty independent.

When they got in, Ian tried to walk a little bit. He stumbled a little, but managed to stand, putting most of his weight on his good leg. Sean didn’t even bother to turn the light on, so only the street lights outside were lighting the apartment. Ian looked at Sean, and grabbed his hand. They pulled each other closed, kissing each other deeply. Ian loved Sean’s lips; the way that they were so cold but his tongue was always so warm. Sean bought his arms up around Ian’s neck, stroking the back of his neck, where his slightly long and curly hair met with his skin. Ian pulled Sean’s shirt over his head, struggling to do it with only one arm able to. Sean unbuttons Ian’s shirt, letting it slip away. Their kisses were getting more passionate, and they made their way to the bed as best as they could, Ian leaning on Sean for support slightly.

The people in the flat upstairs banged on the floor as Sean and Ian made love for the first time in a week, happy to be able to do whatever they wanted at last. The hospital had certainly put some restrictions on that.

They woke up in the morning, curled together and naked. Ian awoke first, and felt a jolt of pain down his leg. The pain disappeared when his eyes drifted to the sleeping Sean beside him. The covers were just covering his stomach, his chest rising and falling as he breathed softly. His mouth was slightly open, his hand trailing across Ian lazily, but making Ian feel safe all the same.

Ian knew he shouldn’t be so happy considering all he had gone through. Tomorrow it was Chris’s funeral, something he wasn’t sure he wanted to attend, as it would bring back so many memories. Sean offered to take him there afterwards instead, but he said he had to go really, for his mum. Bless Sean though- he was trying so hard.

Ian looked around the apartment. It was nice in its own way; Sean had really done well with it. The sofa and the bed were the nicest parts, with cushions that Ian, Sean and Snoz had picked out once while on a trip to Ikea. They were the only things that added some colour to the place. Looking around, Ian knew that him and Sean could do much better. He decided that as soon as everything was going better him and Sean could splash out- get a small but neat house, nothing too flash. They could spend all the money decorating. Sean loved colour, and it suited him to. He was a bright personality himself.

Ian giggled, forgetting that Sean was dozing beside him. Sean rolled over, waking up with his face in the pillow, complaining that the pillow was wet because he’d had his mouth open. Ian pulled a face at this, making Sean lightly smack him on the stomach. This was what Ian loved the most about the sex- the afterglow that lasted all through the morning, all through the day. It made them happy and flirty, and act like they were teenagers.

Sean asked Ian was he was thinking about, and the plans of the house hunting were revealed. Sean laughed, saying Ian liked spending money too much and should save it, but they both knew it would never happen. They could keep some back, yes, but they had to spend some of it first.

The phone rang, making them both leave their slight daze. Sean answered it cheerily, “Helloooo?” The other person spoke and then,

“Yeah, he’s home. He came back last night.”

Laughter, then, “Something like that! You know us too well, Ivy!”

Ian looked at Sean, who giggled down the phone and handed it to Ian, “it’s Ivy for you, sugar,” before lying down and drifting back into a doze.

“Hey Ivy?”

“Hey Ian! I’m super glad to hear you’re okay!”

“Oh, err, thanks…”

“Well anyway, I can’t stay long, I just wanted to make sure everything was going alright. I hear the company crashed recently?”

Ian told Ivy all about the money and the hospital, and then told her he had to speak to her about a settlement and stuff. She laughed, saying she didn’t need anything, but Ian insisted.

When he got off the phone, Sean sat up, saying, “She sounded better. Much like the old Ivy, eh?”

Ian laughed, “Yeah, I must just bring out the worst in people!”

Sean shook his head, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend tightly, “Not me, Mr Watkins, you bring out thevery best in me.” Ian laughed, hugging Sean back, “So, Ian, how long has Ivy known about us?”

“She didn’t really… not until I went bright red when she mentioned staying at yours…” Ian felt himself flushing again.

“Well, she knows now, because she just asked if we had the mind-blowing sex reunion,” Sean murmured, embarrassed.

Ian laughed, cuddling Sean tighter, “Well, she had to find out sooner or later! At least she knows we have active sex lives.”