All We Know Is Falling

Day Thrity One: Lifesaver.

Ian woke up and felt… dirty. Not in a naughty way, not in a bad way, actually in a good way. Him and Sean had spent a night cuddling, kissing and “sexing” as Sean had so lovingly called it. “Yes, Ian, we should stop all this cuddling and kissing and get down to the sexing”. Ian laughed to himself, seeing that Sean was still sleeping. He leapt out of bed, forgetting for a moment that his leg was still sore, half collapsed on it since he hadn’t put much weight on it in a while, laughed some more, and then limped over to the bathroom.

Ian got into the shower, breathing in sharply when the water his leg. The cuts were healed over, but it still hurt badly as some of them were still a bit too deep to heal completely. The doctor said it would be another couple of weeks yet, which was especially annoying since Ian felt him and Sean had a lot of catching up to do, not being all happy and together for longer. It had only been a few weeks now, since they were together as a proper couple, yet it felt like a lifetime, because Ian could feel that it was… right.

Ian washed off all of the sweat, and the smell of sex. He hated the fact that sweat felt so horrible, because he actually enjoyed the smell of the morning after. He smelt of Sean, because they had been so close. Ian stepped out of the shower quickly, not bothering to shampoo his hair or anything. He dried off quickly and got back into bed, pretty much defeating the point of the shower but feeling better anyway. He didn’t bother putting any clothes on, and his hair was still wet.

“You’ll get the pillow all soggy, Ian.” Sean mumbled, sleepy and with eyes shut. Ian smiled, closing his eyes and cuddling up to Sean more, “Now you’re getting me all soggy!” Sean smiled. Ian just cuddled up closer, his head on Sean’s shoulder. He could smell the sex and Sean’s scent that he’d just washed from his own body, now on Sean’s.

Ian wished he didn’t have to leave today. He wanted to stay in bed with Sean all day, but today he was going to the hospital, so they could check on Lisa, and check on his leg. He also knew that Sean was desperate to go shopping today, and made it clear that he needed to go on his own. Ian figured that Sean was going to get clothes or something, because he knew that Ian hated shopping. Whatever it was, Sean was also determined to spend his own money and not Ian’s. Even the whole “What’s Mine Is Yours” didn’t work this time.

Sean and Gavin had been stumbling around the high street for 2 and a half hours now. They had traipsed into every shop and found nothing for Ian’s birthday. Jamie and Rhys had been set on the task of getting the party ‘stuff’. Rhys had the list, and had this habit of giggling every time Jamie said something funny, whilst sort of staring. Sean and Gavin looked at each other after about the fifth time he did it, rolled their eyes, and wondered off to find Ian a birthday present.

They were just walking into the mall, when Sean got roped into a clothes shop by the pretty lights on the outside. Gavin tutted, while Sean wondered around, picking out all the clothes he liked. Gavin sighed, and pulled Sean out of the shop before he got to Ian’s sizing in the underwear. He had been there once before when Sean was in that mood, and Sean, for some reason, had proceeded to tell Gavin all about the size of Ian’s privates. Gavin had never been so eager to wash his mind with soap.

Sean had decided that getting Ian clothes was stupid. Ian had enough money to get his own clothes, and if they went shopping together then he could make Ian try on all the clothes and make sure they looked amazing before buying them. Maybe I could do that for Christmas, Sean had thought.

He also decided that the only way to do this well was to get something sentimental. Sean was so deep in thought that when Gavin saw the perfect shop, he walked straight past. He was only brought to life again when Gavin shouted his name, loudly, after calling him twice. All the old ladies stared and rolled their eyes, but Sean just came bouncing back. When Gavin pointed at the shop, Sean frowned, failing to see what was so great that he had to come back. At good speed, no less.

Gavin sighed, and pulled out Sean’s wallet, opening the main part and pulling open the credit card section, showing the smiling picture of Ian and Sean. Sean blushed, and finally got what Gavin meant. He wondered into the shop, and frantically worried when he could find nothing good enough to give to Ian.

“Excuse me, Sir, do you need a hand?” a lady behind the desk asked. She was drinking a steaming cup of what smelt like coffee, and reading a magazine. On the side, there was a plate of biscuits, and the whole atmosphere made the shop seem homely. Dotted around on the counter were photos in frames of the woman and various people, and Gavin assumed them to be here family.

While Sean wondered around aimlessly, Gavin walked up to the desk, “Yeah, he’s looking for a special birthday present for his special someone, something sentimental, like?”

“Ahh, the special lady in his life, eh?” She smiled, thinking that he certainly didn’t look like the type to be dashing around just for a lady.

“The special lad in his life, actually,” Gavin mumbled, blushing slightly. He didn’t really like explaining Sean’s life for him, and in today’s world, it was hard to know who would kick you out of a shop for being a different orientation.

The lady simply nodded, smiling. Well, she thought, laughing to herself, that certainly makes more sense, “My own son was in here doing the same thing just last week. His boyfriend thought it was lovely to get a photo frame and a picture of them together.”

Gavin breathed a silent sigh of relief.

“Perhaps I could get a look at the photo of the couple, I would be able to tell you what would be suitable?”

“Really, you would do that?” Sean asked, appearing suddenly from between the second aisle and the wall, poking his head around the bookshelf, containing samples of different woods.

“Of course, sir!” The lady laughed, “It is my job, after all. Don’t you think it would be wrong to not do that?”

Sean went red, “Yeah, I didn’t think that.” Gavin laughed, whilst Sean slapped him lightly on the arm, and pulled out his wallet, flicking through the main section, finding the picture of him and Ian he’d shoved in there. He pulled it out after finally finding it, and handed it over to the lady behind the counter.

The lady studied the photo, frown marks working into her forehead slightly. She pulled her glasses off of the counter and placed them on the end of her nose. She mumbled to herself about “tones working with beech” and then called out through the door to someone called, “Sam”. ‘Sam’ came out. He was naturally blonde, and Gavin and Sean assumed that Sam was Counter lady’s son, as she was blonde/grey too. Sam was hand in hand with a black haired boy, and Sean had to hold back from cooing because they looked much like Ian and himself. He scrunched his nose up instead, trying to do it without anyone noticing.

“Yeah, mum?” Sam asked counter lady, smiling.

“These guys here, they need help. Tell them what you did last week for Luke’s present.”

“Oh, mum, I can’t do this every time a couple come in. I could just write it down in an “ideas” book or something.”

“Well, right now, it would be quicker to just tell this lad here…” she paused, looking at Sean, “Sorry, son, what’s your name?”

“Sean,” he mumbled, looking at Gavin for support. Gavin provided it with, “He need’s help for his boyfriend’s birthday present.” Sean smiled at Gavin, thanking him in his mind.

Sam invited Sean to sit down, and went through the idea with Sean, while Gavin and Luke and Sam’s mum went through to the back and enlarged the picture Sean had given them. It came out lovely, and Sam’s mum even scanned it and saved a copy, because she said it was the best development they had done.

When Gavin came through holding Sean’s picture, Sean was scribbling notes from Sam’s dictation, trying to fit it all on one small sheet of paper. When Sam had finished, Sean smiled, and tucked the piece of paper in his wallet. He pulled out two twenty pound notes, paid for the frame and the photo, and tucked the change in his wallet along with the picture of him and Ian Counter Lady gave back. He took the carrier back from Sam, shook his hand, gave the lady a hug, told them all they were lifesavers, and skipped out, happy as anything. Gavin followed, laughing at Sean.

Sean bumped into Rhys and Jamie on the way out- literally- and explained “his” wonderful idea. Gavin didn’t burst his bubble by pointing out it wasn’t his idea at all, he just let him be happy.

Sean ran into the nearest W H Smith, pulling out the list in his pocket and grabbing all of the stuff, chucking it into a basket Jamie was carrying.

While Sean and Jamie ran around the store, happily chucking items into the basket as Sean span off the list, Gavin and Rhys hung by the front of the store, talking in hushed tones about Rhys and Jamie. Rhys blushed when Gavin said he needed to stop being too flirty, jokingly, and said that Sean had said he needed to make the most of the time he got to spend with Jamie alone. Gavin was just about to finish saying that Sean knew nothing, when Rhys pulled out the photo of Ian and Sean, waving it in Gavin’s face.

“This is what I want for me and Jamie. Ian has… nothing… yet he is still on top of the world because of-“ Rhys suddenly hushed when Sean bounded up to him and Gavin, Jamie in slow pursuit.

“Way to make it obvious you’re talking about me, Rhysie! Oooh, no, wait, it’s not me you’re talking about, is it?!” Sean giggled, grabbing Gavin’s Hand and pulling him along, skipping.

“What did he mean by that?” Jamie asked Rhys, quietly.

Rhys went bright red, “I don’t know, really, Jamie. He’s- erm- he’s crazy.”

“Like we’d have him any other way.”