All We Know Is Falling

Day Thrity Six: Gad Damn It.

Sean was crazy at times. This was really one of those times.

Rhys and Jamie were at the local hall. They had hired out a big hall, filled half of it with a huge bouncy castle, which was about 10 metres by 10 metres. It was seriously massive. Sean hadn’t seen it yet, but they knew he would go crazy, as would Ian.

At the moment, they were in the kitchen at the back, sticking jelly in the fridge and putting cheese and pineapple on sticks. Rhys was having a great time, watching Jamie like a hawk because he looked incredibly good today, and paying especially close attention to Jamie when he bent over to put the food in the fridge. He looked away quickly when Jamie stood up, but if he had been looking, he would have seen Jamie smirk towards Rhys and stifle a laugh back. Bless Rhys. He never even knew that Rhys felt that way. He wished he’d known sooner, he would have acted on it… Like he planned to.

Sean burst into the kitchen at about ten past seven. Jamie and Rhys had put the bouncy castle up the night before, but had put the dividing curtain up in between the bouncy castle and the hall, and put a huge banner on it that said “Happy Birthday Watkins!” on it. Sean ran straight past it, running to the sound of Jamie and Rhys laughing together. He ran in, crashed into the counter, and then cursed loudly.

“Is everything ready guys?”

“Sean, everything has been ready for the last 3 days. We put the present up last night, and now we’re doing the food. It’ll be done in about an hour.”

Sean sighed, relief flooding through his mind. He reached into his backpack which he had chucked by the door of the miniscule kitchen, and pulled out Ian’s present. He put it on the table in the kitchen, putting up a pre-prepared “Do Not Touch” sign. He nodded, smugly, to himself. Well Done, Sean!. No-one knew what the present was apart from Gavin, and even he didn’t know why Sean had locked himself away every time Ian went out to see Lisa. Sean had been in his room for the three days that Ian had gone out, and that was for 4 hours or so a day. In total, he had spent about 15 hours working on Ian’s present, and he was very proud of it. Sean wasn’t a creative person, but he had really put his mind to this. He hadn’t got Ian something expensive, because Ian had his own money. Instead, he got him something that couldn’t be bought, not properly. Sentimental was the way to play it, and in the process it had drove Sean semi-mental. So. Much. Glue.

Jamie and Rhys looked at each other, rolling their eyes as Sean scurried out of the room. Rhys’s eyes widened and he ran out just in time to catch Sean before he peaked behind the dividing curtain. Sean moaned, but laughed anyway, saying he didn’t have time anyway, and running some more to go get other parts of Ian’s party from Snoz’s house. Snoz and Ian’s friend Lee were round Sean and Ian’s flat, keeping Ian busy.

Sean pulled up in his car at Snoz’s house, running frantically into the house, slipping and bumping into the door on his way in. He ran across the living room, into the kitchen. He grabbed the banners off of the table, flicking through to make sure everything was there. He picked the bag off of the floor, and ran to the car, chucking it into the boot. He knew he should have done all this yesterday, but he was fnishing Ian’s present, and when it was finished, he was admiring it for at least an hour before Ian got home. He could have made an excuse and come see the hall with Jamie and Rhys, but instead him and Ian had a fun night together under the covers.

Damn, I’ve never regretted sex before!, Sean laughed to himself. No Sean, no time for laughing. He ran back into the house, slamming the boot and the door before he did so, and then proceeding to leap up the stairs, pulling himself up 3 or 4 steps at a time using the banister. He ran into the spare room, pulling of his t-shirt and chucking on a shirt. As he pulled it shut, he felt a rip under the arm. Shouting swear words very loudly, he flicked through the spare room closet, and finally finding a shirt that was a size too small for him, he pulled it on, this time more careful. He did the buttons up, swore some more at how tight it was, but leapt down the stairs anyway, chucking the ripped shirt in the tiny bin on his way out. He unlocked his car, yanked open the door and chucked himself into the seat. Checking his watch on his arm, he saw that he had half an hour before Ian got to the hall. Since he was ten minutes away by car, he only had twenty minutes to make the hall perfect for Ian. Shit.

Pushing the small and crappy car to ten minutes over the speed limit, he just reached the hall in 7 minutes, ran into the hall, chucked banners from the bags to Jamie, Rhys, Ian’s friends and Gavin. The others were all getting ready and keeping Ian entertained. Ian was probably getting changed right now… Sean let his dirty thoughts wonder for about 20 seconds, quickly snapping out of it, and getting back into the job at hand. He flung confetti over the tables, pulled out more bottles of beer from the bags, chucking them onto the big table chock-a-block with food and drink already. Sean wondered around, light on his feet, making sure that everything was perfect. Jamie laughed, “Sean. D’ya want a ruler to measure it or something?” as Sean was looking at a banner that was a bit off. Sean flipped Jamie the V’s and sat down, just as everyone else stood up.

Ian was coming in.

Sean stood up, too quickly, felt a bit dizzy, but stayed up anyway. He, along with everyone else, shouted surprise as Ian walked through the door, smiling insanely, but before he could see Ian’s proper reaction, the room faded out, and he felt his knees buckling.

Sean couldn’t open his eyes, and he couldn’t move. He could feel that he was in someone’s arms, and as he felt a hand stroking his face, he could feel that it was Ian holding him.

“Seriously,” Ian asked someone, “What has he been doing to make him fuckin’ forget to eat for the last 3 days? The doctor can’t be right. I’m fuckin’ glad he’s gone now. What an idiot.”

Shit. Sean Smith, you bloody idiot. You forgot to fucking eat? Who does that?

“Actually, Ian,” Jamie cut in to Ian’s rambling, “Sean has been major busy recently, doing all this for you,” he laughed, “he didn’t even get to see your face.”

“We could just redo it? Pretend he never fainted?”

Sean managed to just groan slightly. His head hurt, and he felt dizzy, and he could feel his stomach rumbling. Great. Now you’re hungry, idiot.

“Seanie? Are you okay? Guys, get him some water or something!”

“Ian…” Sean mumbled, “food, not water…”

“Oh for God’s sake! You actually haven’t eaten in 3 days? You’re an idiot Smith!” Ian laughed.

“I… I know… I’m sorry…” Sean could feel himself getting a lump in his throat. Didn’t Ian know what he’d done? Didn’t he notice? He could feel his eyes watering slightly. Ian didn’t even care about the trouble he’d gone to.

“Sean! Don’t cry!” Ian hugged him tight. Poor Sean. He’d been stressed as hell lately. Ian thought he solved all that last night. Sean had relaxed loads then; Lisa had suggested that Ian went home, got in a nice bath with Sean and made him feel appreciated. It had really worked, and Sean sure made himself ‘appreciated’ later on in the evening.

Ian giggled at the thoughts, which only made Sean feel worse, because he thought Ian was laughing at him. He finally built up the strength to push Ian away, and walked out, dizzy and wobbly, but half-confident all the same. If Ian just laughed at all the work he’d put in, then what was the point of being here?
♠ ♠ ♠
Cruelty, by hadmeathello.
A current FAVOURITE of mine. Read it, it's incredible.
