All We Know Is Falling

Day One: The House.

It was a Thursday; three o’clock. Ian was just clocking out at work after a long day, working on the weeks current takings. It wasn’t going good so far, but it was going all right. At the moment, things were going down for the company, but they were expecting a big surge in business in the next week. Hopefully. Ian had a lot of money in the company backed up, of course. If the company failed in anyway, he would get double his money back. But of course; in the long run this was nothing to what he could get from the business: he could get over 5 times as much in a year if the company went well. That was how he managed to pay of his mortgage so quickly.

He ran down to his car. It was time to finish work and it was a Thursday. This meant one thing. Sean Smith.

He hopped in the car and practically raced to Sean’s apartment. Ian had offered to give Sean some money towards a house, but he declined it, saying he wasn’t with Ian for the money; he was with him for the fact that Sean and Ian both knew there was something special about the time they spent together. Sean didn’t take Ian’s money- he didn’t need it, either to get a better house or to secure Ian coming here two days a week: Sean knew that he would always come here. There would be no reason why he wouldn’t. Ian knew that too. He would put Sean before everything, because when he was with Sean, he was happy.

Ian pulled up outside Sean’s and went up to the buzzer. He buzzed number 5, and Sean opened the front door automatically. God, if I was actually an axe murderer… Ian thought, and giggled to himself. He always did that when he thought about Sean; giggled. Sean just made him so happy, he couldn’t hold it back.

He knocked on door number 5 and Sean pulled it open before Ian even got to knock a third time. Sean pulled him in and placed a forceful kiss on Ian’s lips, making Ian moan slightly into the kiss.

“I’ve missed you,” Sean blushed. Ian giggled again, and kissed Sean on the cheek, walking into the living area. Sean’s apartment always reminded Ian of a hotel room. It had a door, which had a tiny thin hallway, trailing off at the side to a hall outside the bathroom, which contained Sean’s mammoth wardrobe containing his many t-shirts, and then went into the actual bathroom, which was a bit bigger in size. The annexe outside it also contained a safe, with Sean’s personal belongings in it.

From the hall, it went into the bedroom/lounge area, cutting of to the kitchen at the side. However, it did have a reasonable balcony: the only one on the tower. It was amazing to look over the city, and Sean always told Ian how beautiful it looked at night, which always made him want to stay there. Sean knew Ian couldn’t but they were both waiting for the day.

His bed was the one thing Ian had given to Sean. Ian and Sean had once been having a fight. Not a real one. It started out as a petty little joke argument, and turned into a poking fight, then a tickling war. It had ended in them rolling around on the bed trying to get away from each other. Sean had got off the bed first, but Ian ran around after him. Sean had ran around the bed, and Ian had tried to be clever and jump over the bed, which instead resulted in two of the slats supporting the bed snapping in half, and Sean having a very restless nights sleep. Ian had apologised by getting Sean a new bed and a new mattress, with a bright pink duvet cover just for a laugh.

Sean had loved it though.

Waking Ian from his trance, Sean pushed him onto the bed and pushed his lips to Ian’s. It was hard for them to keep their hands off of each other when they had to wait just under a week to see each other. Sometimes they saw each other in town, and had to just have a quick hug. It often led to Ian and Ivy having sex that night, and Ian thinking of Sean: anything to pass a lonely night. Of course, it was lonelier for Sean, who often pointed that out.

After working off a weeks worth of passion, Ian and Sean sat down on the sofa, sweating and wearing only their boxers, cuddling. They grabbed the carton of ice cream and spent the last half an hour of their time together talking like a proper couple, because they weren’t just together for the sex. They were together because they made each other happier than they’d ever been with anyone else, even though Sean was often alone and Ian was in the marriage, a term used by Sean to refer to what he thought was loveless, but Ian always begged to differ, saying he loved Ivy. He had loved Ivy, once. Either way, it wasn’t all loveless. Ivy loved Ian because he could look after her.

Ian reluctantly left Sean’s apartment, leaving Sean in his boxers and a towel robe, stuffing his face and watching a movie, while on his laptop. Sean didn’t live the life of luxury, but he was content. He had Ian Watkins, after all.

Ian drove home silently, wishing he could have stayed longer. He thought, as he did every week, about ways he could convince Ivy that he would be out late and wasn’t having an affair. But it was too risky. He already claimed 2 hours a day to himself. 3 would just be plain greedy.

As he drove up to his house, fear instantly hit him. In the distance, he could see sirens shining their lights, and the orange glow of flames, mixed with the dark deepness of black smoke. He sped up a little, trying to not break the speed limit but desperate to know what was going on.

His fears were confirmed when he saw Ivy standing outside in a white blanket, tears rolling down her face. His house that he had worked for, his belongings, that picture of him and Sean in the back of his drawer; they were burnt to the floor. Ashes, smoke and tiny flames were all he could see where his home had once stood.