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Till Death Do Us Part


The moonlight streamed in through the window. It danced off of my silk sheets that hugged my king size bed. Two days ago this room held celebration. It was a beautiful wedding but, now my wife laid lifeless on the kitchen floor instead of breathing gently beside me on my bed. The blood glistened in the moonlight and shone an ominous color on the walls and appliances. My brother sat next door in the living room a blank expression plastered on his face.

I cradled the phone in my arms like a newborn child, unsure if I should make the inevitable phone call. I mean someone will call but what’s the urgency she was already dead and not going anywhere. I cried softly into my callused hands, I happen to be a construction worker, well in my spare time anyway. Who could have done this to my harmless wife? Was it my brother? Does he really hate me that much? No. It wasn't him that I was sure of it. I laughed a little into my hands. I know oh to well who did this.

Poor woman, she didn't even last. Two days married and now I am a widower. I sigh; I hear the sirens outside draw closer to my house. My brother must have called the police when he sensed my hesitation. I get up, time to put on a facade so that I have the perfect balance of emotions. Too much emotion or too little will be taken out of content.

That is why I hate cops, they annoy me to no avail. I will be suspect number one and go through a load of nonsense, only to be proved innocent. Innocent until proved guilty my left eye, that was a loud of crap, excuse my language. In this messed up system it’s guilty until proved otherwise and that is if they want to prove you anything other then guilty.

I straightened up and fixed the right expression on my face to keep the police from wanting me to be guilty. I let grief slip onto my facial features just enough to let them know I am in pain. I walked carefully down the stairs. Each step soundless under my feet like a phantom haunting this world for laughs. My hand ran lightly against the cold banister sending shivers up my body. The kitchen window had been broken.

“You the husband?” The cop said in already accusing voice, see what I mean?

I just nodded as if I feared to use my voice because if I did it would crack under the intense emotions I was feeling now. A tear slipped down my face and I lowered my head.

“I am sorry for your lose.” He said his voice softens.

“I am just so distraught. We were……..” My lips trembles”……. Suppose to go to Hawaii tomorrow.” I shook my head; let them see that I am in immense shock.

“Why did your brother call the police and not you, sir?” The cop asked searching my face. I looked up at my brother for the first time realizing that he was there.

“YOU KILLED HER!” I exploded, trying to charge at him but being held back by the officer and his partner. I pulled myself together and straighten up and mumbled an apology.

“I was to upset to call.” I lowered my head in shame. “I was hoping that if I didn't’t call it would go away.” I sniffled.” My poor honey bundle.” I turned away.” She is in the kitchen. I’ll pack to go to a hotel so you and your colleges can thoroughly search the house.”

I walked upstairs with my body completely slumped. As soon as I got behind the door of my room I removed a packed suitcase from under my bed. I waited a couple of minutes to give the illusion of packing.

I looked out the window as the carted my wife’s body away.