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Till Death Do Us Part


Though my wife had just been murdered I couldn’t help but want to seek the comfort of a woman. I enter my hotel room that I rented all year round in the most beautiful hotel your eyes will ever besot. I sat on the bed and sighed. I seem to live here more then my own home. I knew all the ins and outs of this place.

My poor wife, I thought, cut down in her prime. Our life together would have been sweet and fulfilled. We were perfect for one another. Well, what happens happens I suppose. I got up and peered out at my view of the city. How I love Paris. I moved here with my first wife and I have lived here ever since.

I had the perfect view of the city of lights. I laughed sweet sweet Amie; her death was unkind as well and brutal. My women die faster then horse flies in the winter. It would seem that I am destined to be alone, but I view it as that I have yet to find the right woman.
I hear a knock on the door look through the peep hole only to gaze upon my brother’s angry face. I open the door.

“You killed her.” He said while walking in.

“Come right in." I mumbled in such a sarcastic way. “Again with your nonsense? Must I send you back to the loony bin, brother?”

My brother the ex-cop nutcase. Of course, he is only an ex-cop because of me. When he accused me of the murderer of my first wife, I threw him in the bin. Thus he lost his badge and all his credibility, as well as everything else. This is why he lives with me. This is why he hates me.

“I know you did it. I will prove it. I will nail you for all three murders and then I will get my badge back and get promoted.”

“Sure, sure my sweet deluded brother. Whatever makes you happy. Do as you wish even if I think you’re too old to play pretend.”

My brother sneered. “I will prove it, just watch me.”

“I will be.” I said in a whisper.

He walked out and I closed the door.

“Loon.” I laughed.
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