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Till Death Do Us Part

A Night On The Town

I loathed being followed, but the police must do what they must. They have yet to clear my name which of course annoyed me to avail. Why would I kill the woman I married?

I can still remember when we met. Adabella with her hair in a ponytail, it was so red that it alone drew my attention. She was on the treadmill, at my building in New York, in the gym. Her sports bra, that she was wearing, was a bad choice for such a busty woman, but none of the men were complaining. She had a sweet smile that held a world of innocence. You can tell by her even breath, despite her running up a ten incline at a speed of ten, that she was fit. I walked up to her and smiled at her. In the instant I knew she was to be mine.

I shook my head. No point in reminiscing. I now I have to trudge on with my life, despite the pain. Ah, here it is the bar that Amie loved to take me to. I married Amie at 20, she was my first love.

"Hey Azriel," the bartender shouted me out, "I heard about your wife. I am sorry about it buddy."

I approached the bar and sat in a stool that was directly in front of him. "Three wives in four years, John."

John's face filled with pain. " I know and I am still not over the lost of my sister. You will always be a brother-in-law to me Azriel."

"Thank you John. Your words touch me. Scotch straight with a shot of vodka."

"We starting hard tonight, huh?" John wore all his emotions on his face. I could clearly see the worry seep through.

"If it makes you feel any better I will have the nachos with that." Those were Amie's favorite to get at this French bar, nachos.

He smiled, "Coming up." Then he pats my forearm and turned to shout the order at a waitress.

I ate and drank in peace, thinking of John's words and my loses. I started to feel a distant tingle, now I was satisfied.

"Well good night John." I stood from the stool and walked towards the door.

"Good Night be safe." I turned and smiled at John, he is such a good man.

As I roamed the streets, heading towards the hotel in the longest route possible , I spot a beautiful woman. Her golden hair looked like silk made from the sun's rays. Her body hugged by a slinky black dress, that was just shy of touching her knees. She appeared upset, her gray eyes smoldering, her pink lips pursed.

"Excuse me, mama, but do you need assistant?"

"Oh!" She exclaimed. "Thank god, someone who speaks English." She laughs.

Her cheeks were slightly pink and her expression changed into one of relief. She was 5'4 and had the body of Betty Page.

"I am lost because my friend's ditched me. They thought it would be funny." She bite her lip.

"Well, Mademoiselle, how can I be of service?"
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