Status: Takes a while to update...I have no computer

Till Death Do Us Part


"I am Linda." She stuck out her hand and I kissed it, she blushed, her palms were sweaty from being nervous. "I am from New York." Her eyes were sweeping my body, she wanted me, I could tell.

"I am Azriel, my lady. I, too, am from New York. What brings you to France?" A let pieces of a french accent slip in and she giggled.

"I am here with my college. Its a study aboard program and I decided to stay with a host family." She beamed.

"How old does that make you, my dear?"

"I am twenty two." She said proudly taking out her id.

"Would you like me to escort you home?" I slightly bowed for dramatic flair and she batted her eyes.

"Yes, please." She took out the address and handed it to me. I began to fear for the girl, if it had not been me to find her she could have been stuck with a sex trafficker or some other form of nut case stalking her.

She took my hand and pulled me into an alley. "I came from this way."

'Sure you did.' I think to myself, knowing that her intentions are plain as day.

She pushed me against the filthy alley wall, probably staining my Armani shirt, but my thoughts were on her soft pink lips. She pressed her body against mine. I could feel her soft flesh against my hard body. She leaned in, her lips inches from my ear

"Take me to your place." She whispered in a husky tone.

Though I pride myself in being a gentlemen, I am at heart, a man, so even I could not refuse the offer from this beautiful woman. I gently grabbed her hand in mine, a combination of my male thinking and grief causing me to take her the quickest route to my room. The door man nodded at me, not surprised that though my wife died a week and a half ago that I already had a strapping young woman on my arm. On the ride up we made small talk.

"You went to school?" She fidgeted.


"Graduated early?"

"Yes." I smiled.

"Have a degree?"

"A PhD in technology and weapons."

"Whats your last name?" Ah, my favorite question.

"Linnell. I am Azriel Linnell."

Her face lite up, she knew she hit the jack pot. "You mean the owner and founder of the world's biggest weapons and entertainment company?"

"The one and only." My success proceeded me, I knew this. I also knew that this would now be way more then a one night stand.

I saw her mouth, Linda Linnell, as if testing it out and liking the sound of it. The doors opened.

"Wow, what a view!" She exclaimed running to the window.

I walked over to my bar and offered champagne she nodded. Instead of sleeping together we stood up all night talking. She told me her dreams, to be a lawyer, some of her favorite things, political and religious views. I enjoyed myself with young Linda, who loved the arts. She snored lightly on the couch and I carried her unto my bed . I spent the night on my couch, I dreamed of Linda's smoky gray eyes.
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