Status: Takes a while to update...I have no computer

Till Death Do Us Part

Linnell Corps.

I sat behind my desk, jacket thrown over my chair, cops staring at me from across my desk. I fought to keep my annoyance level down, it had been three months and through my name had been cleared my wife's murderer had yet to be found. I held my clenched fist under my desk as they further explained the lack of evidence lead them to have no suspects and if something didn't change soon the higher ups were gonna mark this a cold case.

They fidgeted uncomfortable as they waited for me to tell them something, anything really, but instead I sat silent with a cold expression. The minutes ticked by with not a word said, finally I decided to speak up.

"Gentlemen, this is my third dead wife, all cold cases. How do I know my current love interest is safe?" I said while staring out the window.

"We have...."

"All of your best men on it." I completed for him. "I know and I have heard it all before. I grow weary of living in fear. I want to take a wife and have her for longer then two nights." My thoughts fled to Amie, I pictured her cloudy blue eyes and soft light brown curls and her smile. My heart clenched, so many years I sought to replace that image with another.

Amie, she bumped into me in the hallways of our high school, I knew her face, she had grown up down the block from me, we were the same age but since I always skipped grades I was friends with an older crowd. I had just started my business at fifteen and my teachers were worried my grades would drop. It was, as I was walking from the office we collided. From that day on, it was her my heart belonged to. I shook my head, no point living in the past, I have Linda now.

"Well gentlemen, you should be off, I have a meeting in thirty and would like to prepare for it."
They rose from their seats and threw unsure smiles my way before leaving.

"Rude, they didn't offer to shake my hand." I mumbled to myself as I shifted through papers, orders for weapons from every inch of this violent world in that pile. My meeting today was with the untied states, they wanted to see the newly developed tanks and if it went well, pay me billions of dollars for them.

I laughed, this was a dirty business but someone had to do it.
♠ ♠ ♠
♥ Finally after forever