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Till Death Do Us Part

Dealing with Cold Feet

The tux that I wore seemed inadequate for my Amie's beauty, yet it would have to do. With the big day rapidly approaching I could hardly believe that a glimpse in the hallway turned into this love so powerful it seems to render me speechless. I shift in my Prada's and fix my cuff links, my business was booming beyond my own imagination. I could give Amie the wedding of her dreams, a house, a car, a dog and support the five kids she wants with ease. I motion for the tailor, so that he can make sure everything is perfect and I could head back to my New York penthouse to finish packing for my Honeymoon.

Amie's brother had left me a message that I heard upon arriving home. Apparently Amie was dealing with traditional cold feet but he would handle it all. He was simply to keep me informed and to date with his sister. Since I had not seen her in a week, due to her wishes, of course, I was anxious for the day to come faster. Amie and her silly superstitions. How I adore watching her jump over cracks to spare her mother any harm. Everything about her delights me, she is perfect. There is no other woman like her.

I flipped through orders, all with an absent mind, on my desk when my brother entered. I had given him a key to to the penthouse when he first entered the academy a few years ago. Yes, he has finished and now was a cop but I wouldn't take the key back. He was wearing his uniform, with pride I may add, and his badge gleamed of his new promotion. Since he preferred to walk the graveyard beat; "That's when all the action happens." He'd say, he looked very tired.

"I got the day off for your wedding. I still can't believe you are getting married before me." He chuckled, "You outshine me in everything baby brother." Even as he said this, his smile glowed with pride and brotherly affection.

"It because I took all the good genes that you left behind. Who said second's wasn't the best helping?'' I laugh and kick off my shoes, I knew what was coming. A beer and some bad television with my older brother. A man, though despite not being as successful as me, I have always looked up to. As I sat on the couch I didn't wonder how Amie was dealing with her cold feet, only why she had cold feet at all.
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Just a little about his love for Amie to reveal a bit more about our tragic Arizel