Status: Currently Editing

My Story

Holly has never had a boyfriend, but on her sixteenth birthday, it all changes.
She receives a gift from her older brother Adam and suddenly all the boys in her school start acting really strange.

Okay, so I started writing this story over a year ago, and over time I myself started forgetting what happened in previous chapters as it took me so long to write a new one. For that I am sorry. So over the next few days I will be fixing up chapters, changing a few details an so on. I realised that, I never mentioned the main characters last names, or the names of Holly's parents, so I'll be adding them into the first few chapters. I also realise that there are quite a few grammatical errors, so I will be fixing those up aswell. Sorry for all the inconvenience, although I suppose if you had been reading the story you wouldn't have noticed these things, just like I didn't.
Thanks for taking the time to read my story,
Emma :D