Demon wings


Kira slowly opened her eyes, a ray of light glimmered on her face. She sighed and pulled her blanket up over her head. ' I still have time, it hasn't gone off yet.' she thought to herself just as her alarm clock started to play. She reached out her arm and smacked the snooze button. Just as she pulled her arm back near her body hr mother burst through her door and ordered her to get up. She said shed be down and her mother slammed the door again and headed to the kitchen. Kira sat up and rubbed her eyes. She sat there in her bed for a few moments and then sprang out of bed, throughing on a hoodie and some jeans. She tied her long brown hair back and slipped on her flip-flops. Then quickly ran down stairs as her mother yelled for her to hurry up.

Kira did so and soon was grabbing her bag and sneaking out the door. Her mother didnt notice, and she didnt care anymore. To her Kira was a "lost cause who will amount to nothing". Kira looked back at the new house and glared at it. She hated that it was a three story old and creaky ghost house. She didnt believe in ghosts, but apparently everyone in her new school did and she still hadn't heard enough of it after three weeks. " What if i just jump in front of this train now, no one would care, no one knows me here, no one wants to" She mumbled to herself as she waited for a passenger train to pass, then kept walking. She never felt this way before, everything was fine before, but now she didnt care what happened to anyone or thing.

At her old school, she was hurt beyond repair. Her classmates, friends and boyfriend all turned their backs to her. Her boyfriend was cheating on her, lieing to her and her friends. She only found out when she went to his house to find him screwing another girl. She said nothing, even as he chased her down the street she said nothing. She only cryed that night when her mother was asleep. The next morning at school, she found out everyone knew. Not just classmates and friends but faculty and staff. The whole school knew but her. Then she understood the whispering and the talking behind her back. That was the main reason they had to move. She refused to go to school there anymore.

She let her grades drop from A's and B's to C's D's and F's. She didnt care. To her nothing mattered anymore. Her most trusted friends lied to her, turned there backs to her and her boyfriend hit the worst. He had taken her joy, will and pride. She was just a lifeless corpse now. Walking the earth for no reason.

She never cared though, and she had convinced herself that she never would again. She had begun to hurt herself, cuts, burns. All up and down her arms. She was fifteen, she deserved more then this. She deserved her old life back when she was happier. Happy enough to not let the pain through. Not show them that she had known all along that he was cheating. Not knowing all along that she knew he was screwing that chick behind her back. She didnt care, as long as he said he loved her, as long as he said he would always be there. What hurt was that everyone knew, but no one told her.

The school days wernt long and only because she was in another state of mind. She always thought herself with wings. Huge feathered wings so she could just fly away. That never came though, and she never cared, she just cut deeper and burned more, that pain was nothing compared to what she felt. It was a start though.