Demon wings


Kiras eyes grew more frightened and curious, she looked up at Vash only to flinch as his tears fell on her. She wrestled her arms free and hugged him, unfolding her wings slightly to try to make him land. His speed was scaring her. " Its OK, I wont die, believe me" She said trying to make light a dim situation. Vash only shook his head. " How old are you?" She asked " 16" He said sniffing a bit, his blue eyes on her now. Her ear popped and she grit her teeth together. " Then lets talk like were that old on the ground" She said, more asking as pain shot threw her ears then through her body.

Vash nodded and folded his blood red wings, ducking into a dive. Kira held tight to him for a moment severely scared of the outcome of this daring feet. Though Vash was experienced and though little of diving. He opened his wings just as they landed so he wouldn't break anything and held Kira in the hug tighter. Kira loved it, but her heart screamed pull away.

Kira hugged him for a little bit before pulling back. He started at her, eyes red but dry. Kira held herself, just a reaction from the sudden coldness. He was so warm. She shook the thoughts from her head. She hurt herself again. Mentally, she wouldn't bleed in front of him. Vash walked over to her and tried to pull her into another hug, she backed away though. Vash's eyes narrowed " Ill keep you safe, stay with me" He said, his words not saying all of what he meant. She heard it wrong, she heard what he had said to her. She sighed and looked away.

Vash pressed his back agenst a tree and slunk down it until he was sitting. He let his head droop and chuckled to himself. Kira smiled and walked over, sitting across from him. " Whats so funny?" She asked, he looked up to her, " I just stole our last hope, they're going to kill me" He said as if his death meant nothing. Kira's eyes narrowed and she shook her head. " I wont let them" She said thinking she had power. Vash looked up and smiled at her. " Did I do something wrong?" She tilted her head, not understanding. " You didnt want me to touch you" He said sadly.

Kira shook her head " Its not you, please believe that its not you" She said getting close and eventually hugging him. " I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel bad, its just,..." She paused and shut her eyes tight. " I don't want to hurt you too, and I don't want to be hurt." She said as he pulled her away to look in her eyes, he shook his head and leaned forward, she did too.

Just before they connected voices from above yelled to one another, and dove down to where they were.