Demon wings

Red eye

Vash quickly got to his feet and turned to them, he could already see the glint of metal, knives. He sighed and looked to the ground. He turned to Kira and looked into her eyes with a weak smile. " Don't look" He said, she shook her head furiously and stepped in front of him. The demons laughed a little. " Come on," One called out " We wont hurt you, just your kidnapper." She shook her head again. The men were getting angry now. There were about ten of them, and at lease six with knives. Kira looked each over, one by one there eyes turned red. She still didnt know what that meant. She looked behind her to Vash whose now red eyes glared back at them.

Kira tried to only open one wing to hide Vash from them, but both opened, and awkwardly. Suddenly Cell landed in front of all of them. She motioned for Kira to step aside. Kira said no. Cell sighed and with a flick of her hands, two demons ran up and grabbed her aside, holding Kira, but not hurting her. Vash stood there, just looking them over, waiting, not even ready to fight back.

A tear ran down Kira's cheek as Cell pulled out a knife. It was beautiful though, had to be hand made. It was a light blue blade with gems in the handle. Kira shook the stray thought away. Anything shiny had always caught her eyes. Vash didnt move as Cell stepped toward him, ready to thrust the knife into his chest.

Just as Cell was beginning to thrust Kira's eyes turned deep red and she shouted " NO". Everything stopped, the wind, the demons, and Cells attack. Kira easily broke from the frozen demons grip and ran to Vash.She tried to pull him away, but couldn't. She saw things slowly come back to life and the only way to save Vash was to put herself between him and the blade.

So she did.

it was a slow stab, but hard and it hurt. When everything got back to speed and Cell saw what she had done she quickly pulled the blade from Kira's back. Blood streamed from the wound and Vash held her up. This was deeper and more serious then the stab to her shoulder.

Thankfully she did recover from it. The scar remained and her shirt was torn but she was OK. Vash held her tight and shook his head to what she had done. Cell looked to her with frustrated eyes, and sighed, she shooed the other demons away and they left in a huff.

Cell took Kira's hand and took off, Vash took her other hand and followed. What Cell was hoping for.

Finally Kira got up the nerve to Ask Cell. " Where are we going now?" Cell looked past her to Vash, her ice blue eyes where hard. " To Adrien."
