Demon wings


Vash kept his eyes down. He knew Kira had saved him from Cell, but she couldn't safe him from Adrien. He held her hand tighter. Kira glanced back to him, giving him a smile. Vash looked up and smiled back. Cell looked to both of them and sped up, trying to shake Kira from Vash. Vash held strong though.

Vash even sped up to get there faster, Cell had to let go once or twice because she couldn't keep up with his speed. Kira couldn't understand why he wanted to get there quicker. She didnt question though. They got back to where they had been the night before and Cell lead them into the room with the couches.

It wasnt so bad now, it was lighter and the whole room could be seen. Cell told them to await here and she went out a door Kira didnt see the night before, probably where Vash came in.

Vash sat down, chewing on his thumb. Kira sat next to him and pulled his hand away from his mouth. " you shouldn't do that" She cooed " Its not good for your fingers" Vash snickered and put his arm around her and drew her into a hug. It was only moments before she felt her shirt begin to dampen, Vash was scared and was crying.

He hid it well though. He stopped in time for his eyes to be normal, not red when Adrien came back. Kira sighed " It'll be OK", Vash shook his head. " You cant save me from him Kira" he said in a voice that scared Kira. Vash pulled away when he heard Cell come in, Kira didnt know why. Was he trying to be tough, trying to go out strong.

Adrien followed closely after Cell. " What were you thinking" He growled at Vash. Vash couldn't find a good answer " I ..i don't know" Adrien sighed and looked away for a moment. " Vash, I told you to play with her to gain her trust, you should have known not to steal her away though. " Kira's eyes began to water and she glanced at Vash, who was glaring at Adrien. " Having her save you was a good trick, but if Cell have struck her any higher, she would have died. "

Kira was standing now backing away from Vash. Hurt eyes looked him over, the look would soon harden when her heart shut everything out again, like ti always had. Vash looked to Kira, his eyes seemed true but what Adrien just said classified his sincere look as a lie. Kira turned and laughed at herself. Laughed at the thought of someone loving her.

Cell walked over to Kira, was she still her friend. Cell pulled Kira into a hug, Kira just sat there, as if nothing was happening. Vash shook his head. " I wasnt playing her" he said. Adrien looked furious. " Shes not yours to be had" He said talking about Kira like she was something to pass around. Kira shut her eyes as the first tear fell since the other night.

Kira broke free from Cells arms and looked at them all. " Am I just something to play with here? Use me and lose me right?" She said in a demanding voice, looking each of them over in turn. " You chose me why?" She said pointing to Adrien "Because I had nothing to go back to? Because no one would miss me when I died." She sniffled, trying to keep her voice from shaking.

She turned to Cell " You where just here to be nice to me, a body gaurd till you needed me right?" Cell looked away, Kira snickered.

Then she looked at Vash "And you" She said with the most disgusted voice of all, " You were suppose to make me feel special or something, make me feel like you loved me and get me to talk, what about all that stuff you said about your past huh? Your family was probably never murdered". Vash's eyes glazed over, Adrien and Cell looked at him in shook. Kira backed up to a corner and slunk down into it , bringing her knees up and putting her head on them.

Adrien looked at Vash, "Why" He asked, Kira listening closely. Vash looked back to Adrien, then Cell then Adrien again. " I love her" Adrien sighed " You knew you wernt suppose to" Vash nodded and Kira got angry. " How could you fall in love with her?" Cell asked, marking Kira feel like she wasnt worth it. She grit her teeth and looked at them all again, this time Vash turned to look at her too.

Kira kept from Vash's eyes. " STOP PLAYING WITH ME!" she screamed, then before Vash could speak Adrien did " Kira, hes not"
