Demon wings

The Den

Kira awoke later,thrown aside as the fight waged on. She coughed but kept it to herself. She looked to see Snake almost completely red, and Vash was also beaten pretty badly. Vash fell to the ground with a thud and Kira wanted to run to him. Snake stood over him with his blade and a bloody grin.

Just before Snake struck Vash's eyes turned red and fire enclosed him nd snake, Kira could hear Snake yell. Just as he did Vash flew from the fire and landed in front of Kira, he grabbed her up and flew off, yelling down to them
" Maybe some other time boys". One demon tried to chase, but something stopped him.

Kira looked up to the bloody Vash and a tear fell from her eye as she remembered he hadn't cared. Vash looked down and was surprised to see Kira up. He smiled to her an forced himself to speed up.

Before to long they were back at the den, well that's what Kira had now called it. Vash held Kiras hand to find Adrien. Kira waited with Cell as Vash talked with Adrien alone.

It took along time. After he came back Vash hugged her and she couldn't bare to pull away. He took Kira to the room they had slept in the night before, and Kira laid down. odviously tired. She didnt sleep though, she watched vash wrap up his wounds and clean himself up.

He took off his shirt. Making Kira blush, he had a awesome body. but the blood covered it and the scars mangled his perfect flesh. Kira looked up into his eyes. They showing pain as he cleaned out his wounds.

After he bandaged himself up he dropped down on the bed, his shit still off. Kira hesitently crawled over and gently laid on him. He smiled and set his hand around her. " Kira," He said "Tomorrow Ill help you to fly, and did you see what I did with the fire?" She nodded, and he did too, " I don't know what you can do, but ill help you find out." He shut his eyes and Kira hovered over his face.

Vash opened his eyes and jumped, Kira giggled. Vash hugged her. Kira sighed " Thank you Vash" Vash pulled her away so he could see her eyes. " For what?" He asked pushing her brown hair back behind her ear. Kira smiled " For, being there" Vash smiled and hugged her again. What she said wasnt entirely clear but he understood. " you welcome" He said and they both laid there for a long time.