Demon wings


Kira was almost falling asleep. They were just laying there in silence. Vash finally sat up and sighed. Kira rolled on her side and looked at him. Vash looked around then stretched his arms up, his wings stretched to full length as well, just then did Kira realize how long they were.

Vash turned to look at her, he smiled but weakly. Kira frowned, knowing something bad was coming, she knew that expression all to well. " you are new to the clan" Vash started " So you will have to be initiated, but by Adrien, not anyone who could do serious damage. " Kira's eyes grew wide at his words. " Will it hurt?" She squeaked, hating herself for being afraid of a little pain. Vash looked away, and Kiras fear grew.

Vash dressed himself as Kira layed on the bed and curled up with a pillow. She was making herself nervous, she was freaking herself out about the whole thing. Vash saw her and sat on the bed, now fully dressed in a nice new clean red tank top. " Don't worry k?" He said and she nodded, her eyes stuck on the spot on the wall.

Vash looked away for a sec then grinned..' What does every girl like?...NEW CLOTHS!' Vash smiled at his brilliant idea and grabbed Kiras arm, pulling her out of bed. She yelped at the unexpected tug, but smiled as they ran down the dens halls. Kira finally looked up Vash " Where we going?" She asked,, almost out of breath now. Vash turned to her and grinned.

Vash finally stopped at a door, Kira was amazed how large the den was, it was like a underground community. A thought popped into her mind..' why would flying demons live underground?' The thought was pushed aside as Vash opend the doors to what seemed like a mall of girls cloths. Kira gasped and stared at all the beautiful designers cloths, the dresses the jeans the shirts, the shoes! She stood in shock, Vash had to drag her around.

" ITS FREE?!" She squealed making Vash jump. He snickered a bit and nodded to her repeating himself " Its free" he said seeing she had forgotten about the whole other thing. Kira dove into the rows of cloths, the isles were wide with mirrors almost every where, the cloths hung all the way to the ceiling, so you would have to fly to most areas.

At the end of her little hyper buzz, Kira had found a pair of dark jeans and a long, lose blue hoodi, it was a darker blue with a dragon crawling up the side of it. Under that shirt she had a blood red spaghetti strap tie die tank. She was also very happy with her blue plaid Joe boxer underpants. She was so happy. The only cloths she ever got where the ones she picked up from donations at churches.

Vash looked her over and grinned " Very nice" He said looking in her hazel eyes, life had come back to them again. Vash smiled and looked at her shoes, she was still wearing her dirty vans. He grinned and gave her his hand" come on." He said and took off to the far left of the vast isles of clothing. Kira tried so hard to keep up, she was getting better but still anticipated her lessons from Vash.

They got to the end of the girls mall and he opend the door to the boys end of things, He took her to the very back of the store and there were the shoes! She grinned at them, she didnt like boys shoes very much, not unless they were..." VANS!!!!!!" She squealed as Vash held up a pair of the most beautiful Vans she had ever seen. (( I loooove Vans shoes OK..)) The where black and white with red designs. Vash found her size and she fell in love, she still loved her old ones though.

Vash took her back to her room and she tucked her old shoes under her bed. They were the only things she bought with the money she saved. Vash grinned at her, her hair was up in that scrunchie still though. She almost never took it down except to shower, brush it out and put it back up again. She smiled at herself and looked herself over in the mirror in the small bathroom.

Vash sat on the bed and sighed, he knew her happiness would soon vanish, she may even hate him after tonight. Just then a knock on the door made Vash jump up, he opened it to find Adrien, " Its time".
