Demon wings

Red Moon

Vash nodded and looked over to Kira who was now looking at him worried. Vash sighed and nodded to Adrien, who left after. Vash went over to Kira dn grabbed her hand. " It'll be OK, I promise" Kira nodded and walked out with him.

On the way out Vash grabbed a black hoodie and threw it on. Kira looked it over, it smelled of blood. Her mind jumped as she realized she could smell the blood at least two times better then before, but why? She was thrown back to reality as Vash took off and gave Kira no time to open her wings and steady herself.

Vash slowed down and let her catch up with the situation. He chuckled softly " Sorry Kira" He said and speed up again. " Its OK" She said with a wide smile. He said her name with such a sweet sound. She had only heard her name in rage, anger, or just plain hate.

Kira was snapped out of her happy thoughts as the smell of smoke filled her nose. She looked down to see a large fire with many sparkling wings. Only then did Kira notice she the wings sparkled in the light. Unfortunately though, the sun was setting and soon it would be pitch black.

Vash didnt look at her as he spoke. " You wont be killed, I promise, with all my life. Ill be right there to hide behind OK" His voice was shaky, he was trying to steady himself but he couldn't, just making Kira more scared. He couldn't look at her, tears where in his eyes.

Kira felt one of his tears land on her cheek and she pulled her arms away from him. " No! Not if its that bad, I cant take another beating please.." She said hovering there in midair. Vash looked at her and gave her his hand. " I'm sorry, please come on though." Kira wanted to turn and run, but his eyes were so inviting. She hesitated and then with a stressed sigh she took his hand gently and he closed his fingers tight.

Kira was almost crying she was so scarred, Vash was too, just making it worse. He dove down almost into the flames but just missing them. He landed on the south side of the fire. It was almost completely dark, the sun had set quickly, making Kira more nervous.

Kira didnt let Vash pull away and after a while he stopped trying. Finally five demons with long blood red robes, hoods over their heads stood at the north end of the fire. Kira looked them all over, her grip loosened on Vash and he pulled away. She tried to follow but was for some reason was frozen in place. She watched in horror as the five demons circled the fire. The demon at the very north end looked up and took his hood off.

Adrien stood there with a long thin sword blood red and his face was completely emotionless. Kira tried to move but her feet stayed firmly on the ground. It was just then she noticed the circle of blood she was standing in. She looked back up with tears in her eyes as the five demons looking up to the whole in the trees to a blood red full moon just emerging from the clouds.