Demon wings


Kira looked up and as the gleam of the moon caught her eye she relaxed. Her eyes fluttered almost shut, her fear left and her muscles relaxed. Though she couldn't look away from the moon. She stared up at it with little care in the world.

As she was in her trance, Adrien started talking. She didn't hear much, she could only remember, " Our greatest hope has finally come to us, but she is not yet one of us"...She lost track then remembered " We must fuse our blood with hers." Kira released her danger but still try as she may she couldn't move.

Kira could hear the metal rub up agenst each other as the demons pulled out their knives. She also heard the deep gasps as the demons cut themselves. Tears began streaming from her unclosable eyes and she heard Vash arguing with Adrien. " No! It will change her forever! " Vash screamed and Kira burst out crying.

Adrien growled and Kira heard Vash drop to the ground, then his grunt as his flesh was sliced. " your blood will go to her, like it or not. " Adrien mumbled. Kira looked at the moon and silently prayed and begged for mercy.

Just as she thought her last plea, the circle of blood glowed a yellowish color and disappeared, Kira tumbled back and fell, but her eyes still lay set on the moon. She saw what no other demon saw, a dark shadow quickly cut across the red orb and vanished in the red haze.

Kira gasped deeply as the mist entered her mouth and nose. She put her hands up grasping her head, trying to fight it. Her eyes not only turned red but glowed the bloody color. Just as she thought she was going to win agenst the unknown intruder in her head a gentle yet powerful female voice rang in her skull.

' let me stop them from ruining you, Kira, Red Goddess'

Kira didnt mean to let the voice win but the beauty of the voice overwhelmed her and she let her defences down. The voice took over her body and voice, her eyes and wings. Kira was still there, it was as if she was watching a show, only her own eyes were the camera. She sat in her body and watched helplessly.

She was standing now, her wings half open ready to take of, but she didnt know how...could the voice? She watched as Adrien and the other four hooded demons grabbed her arms and Adrien cut into her neck. Her body screamed but she felt no pain.

Her scream was no longer hers though, the voice had taken over hers, and Adrien knew that. He stepped back and she healed herself. Adrien shook his head in disbelief. " No, this blade, you cant heal.". Her body snickered and the beautiful voice turned harsh. " No, Kira couldn't heal after being cut with that blade, but I can Adrien." Adrien shook his head in disbelief. " It cant be" He said the blade almost dropping from his hands.

The four demons fell away from Kiras body. She let her arms down and walked to Adrien. He tried to back away but tripped and fell, he faced her but still tried desperately to back up. " How could you do this to your savior, that is my question Adrien." the voice said raising her hand to him. He shook his head, now completely terrified.

" I WAS ONLY DOING AS I AM TOLD!" He screamed as he began to rise, he used his wings to steady himself. This made the voice mad, Kira could feel its emotions. " NEVER I SAID TO CUT HER UP AND CHANGE HER BEING! TWAS MY FOOLISH BROTHER AND HE DOST NOT RULE OVER YOU!!!" Adrien cried out in pain as his wings began to twist.

The four tried to stand and help him but roots from surrounding trees tied them down. Kira felt herself smile. " Here I thought you had learned your lesson after I had to kill your brother, and sister, but her you are, giving my gift and trying to purge it from her." Adrien shook his head, tears forming in his eyes.

Kira couldn't take it anymore. She shook her head and screamed stop. The voice sighed. Adrien fell to the ground and the four were unleashed. Only then did Kira notice the rest of the demons on their knees, looking at the ground. Only Vash glanced up every now and then. Kira snapped back to attention when the voice spoke. " Adrien you picked a kind heart, I approve of that but when the time comes will she do what is right, or what is kind and merciful.?" Kira got angry, ' what will happen when the time comes?'

The voice snickered at her, " when it comes you will know" Kira grunted annoyed and frustrated. The voice snickered and spread her wings wide. She looked them all down hard and took off into the night air. She hovered there in front of the moon, all but the tips of her wings where not in front of the moon turned red. The demons eyes turned red all of them.

The voice spread her arms out and smiled proudly. " This is the human who's gift I have given. This is the demon who is more powerful then you. This is the teenager who will carry out my wishes, and this is the girl that will save you all.!" As the voice finished the mist left Kiras body threw her nose and mouth, after it had left and Kira took over, her eyes turned back normal, her wings collapsed shut and her eyes fluttered close as she fainted and started to fall back to the earth.