Demon wings


A new morning and this time her clock was off, it was Saturday and she slept in for about five minutes. She couldn't sleep, she would wake up every half hour or so. She cried everytime she woke up. she dreamt of being in his arms. It cut into her like razor sharp knives. Her heart felt torn and her soul felt empty without him now. Her eyes watered as she looked into the light. She layed there in bed all day. Fading in and out of sleep. Her mother didnt bother her, she didnt care, she was out having fun, splurging and forgetting about her eldest daughter. Kira's younger sister was still with her dad, but they had come up to visit and none cared about Kira enough to invite her along. She knew, she heard the phone call. She didnt care. All day she lay there crying and wishing for wings as blood ran down her arms. Mighty wings to fly away into the skys. Still the wish never came.

Her thoughts started to darken, her outlook on life was becoming bleaker and bleaker. She looked into the now black sky, it had gotten late and she decided to get up after hearing her mother go to sleep. She looked out the window as tears fell down her cheeks. She looked down, a three story drop. " Far enough" She thought starting to climb out the window. She sobbed as she hung over the ledge, looking to the cemented ground below her. " No one will care" She mumbled to herself almost letting go. Then just as she took a deep breath, the last breath before the drop, a warm wind cradled her. With it a voice ' I care' She gaped and looked around. No one. The voice seemed to be in her head. Though it brought her to her senses.

She climbed back into her window. Still slightly tired, she fell into her bed and fell asleep. Her dreams haunted her. She couldn't wake up. Her dream suddenly became real, she felt things, smelled things. The smell of fresh blood stained the air. She was looking up a beast. A man with wings. She envied him, and feared him. He had a stream of blood running from his lips. He started for her and she backed away. " Don't fear, we have come to grant your wish." He said in a deep, gentle voice. He grabbed her arm and pulled her close. " If you really want our wings, you must give something up, something dear." She looked at him, the mention of his wings, his large wondrous feathered wings was to good to pass up. " What?" She could only force herself to whisper, a shaky scared whisper. " What could I have that you want?" The man smiled and leaned toward her ear, whispering softly. "your humanity" . He pulled away and grinned. She narrowed her eyes at him, in a questioning way. " What are you?" She asked, he looked at her for a moment, then spread his huge wings and formed an evil grin. " A demon"