Demon wings


Kira awoke to Vash floating down to the earth with her in his arms. They landed and she tried to stand on her own, but lost balance and started to fall. Vash grabbed her and she leaned on him. Adrien approached them and Kira gripped on to Vashes shirt. Not wanting him to let go. Adrien got right up close with the blade in his hands. Kira wanted to run, but was to weak.

Adrien dropped to his knees and so did the rest of demons behind him, only Vash stood to keep her up. Kira stood baffled. Then Adrien spoke in a shaky voice " Forgive me Red Goddess" Kira interrupted him, "What am I?" Vash spoke this time " Red Goddess, she took your body over, you could be her twin. Your powers are hers, all of our powers are from her grace." Adrien nodded in agreement.

Kira shook her head, making herself very dizzy. Vash had to wrap his arms around her to hold her up. He looked to Adrien and he nodded, " Lets go back" He said and took off with her in his arms. Kira fell asleep in his arms back to the den.

Kira woke up as Vashes warm embrace left and she was placed in her bed. She looked around, Vash wasnt going to leave and she smiled at that. She stripped off her hoodi and her shoes, she wouldn't sleep without pants so she stayed in her jeans.

Vash saw and said he would be right back. Kira fell asleep waiting. He woke her when he got back, he had two pairs of pj shorts, and two pairs of pj pants. She chose a pair of sky blue silky pants, and a very light blue spaghetti strap tank for a top. She would have chosen the shorts, she had beautiful legs, but she almost never got the chance to shave, and she wasnt going to chance Vash rubbing up agenst her hairy legs.

She smiled and layed close to Vash. his shirt off and he was striped down to boxers. She sighed, a lot was on her mind. Vash nodded and threw a white tank on and grabbed her. he took her to a hallway which held books and scrolls. At the end of the hallway on a large tall wall was...her.

She was in almost nothing, it looked like a bikini top, a little thicker though. A very short skirt. Both looked of animal skins. She had lots of jewelry, no shoes and her hair was long and let down. What shocked her the most was that the demons eyes where red and her wings shown red behind a blood red moon.

Only then did Vash point out she was in the same pose as Kira was in just a hour or so earlier. Her arms triumphantly spread as if awaiting applause. Her eyes wanting more. Her hands though covered in blood. Chains of silver and gold draped down her waist, around her neck and wrists. diamonds and Ruby's in her ears and around her ankles. One tattoo stained her body, Kiras eyes widened as she lifted her shirt, on the top of her waist was a birthmark that looked of a heart being stabbed, just like her red tattoo.

Vash looked over to her, with a soft voice said " you are one and the same, sisters by blood. You are the reincarnation of Tiala, The Red Haze Goddess."