Demon wings


Kira stood close behind Vash as demons in the den tried to crowd her. " Bless me Goddess," " Heal me!" " Give me your strength" "Tell me what to do", Only some of the requests demons asked. Others went so kind " Why you " One female said, another said " We don't need you here" " No more death" the worst Kira thought she heard was "She will kill us all". Kira let her eyes drop to the floor as vash pushed threw the crowd of pleading and insulting demons.

When they finally got outside Vash patted her shoulder " Don't worry, they wont be as bad as today." Kira nodded and they took off. Adrien was right behind them and grabbed Vashes leg, forcing him to land again. " Where are you taking her?!" He demanded Vash glared at him. " We are going flying, she needs to learn" Vash tried to leave but Adrien held on to Kira. " Keep in our air space, don't go into rouge, or their territory. If they sense her she will be killed on sight." Vash nodded and jerked on Kira, pulling her away from Adrien and taking off.

Kira looked back to see Adrien talking to someone. They were already so high up though, Kira couldn't see who it was. Soon the ground was a blur of green and brown and Kira held tight to Vashes hand. Now and then she tried to out speed him. Her wings usually just gave up and she fell behind. It made him laugh every time though.

Vash landed at what was the border of the demon, and rouge territory. Vash looked around before stepping over the line, Kira followed closely. Vash had pulled his blade out, Kira hadn't even noticed. Kira folded her wings close to her body and watched everything the wind moved.

Soon Vash stopped and feel to his knees, Kira did too, not wanting to be open to an attack. Vash pointed to a bush, she looked threw it to see Snake laying in a deer skin hammock and his men standing around a small fir, just staring at it. Snakes skin was burst in some places. When he turned his head she could see that half of his face was burnt.

She drew back as Vash snuck around the back of them. He wanted snake no one else. Vash got right behind the hammock and grinned. Kira flinched as a explosion of fire engulfed Snake and forced his boys to the ground, one fell into the fire, but got out in time to avoid sever damage.

Snake screamed in terror and pain. Making Kira smile. Her smile vanished when the cries turned to laughs. In a snap of his fingers wind pushed the flames away from him and snuffed them out completely. He stood up and brushed ashes and charred hammock off of his arms. He looked around as his boys started to get up. Then he spotted Kira.

He grinned and walked over to her. Her mind told her to run, but her legs couldn't move. She was frozen n fear and not knowing where to run to. Snake pushed the bush to the side, looking down on her as teas pushed at the back of her eyes. " Well well" He said grabbing her hard by the shoulder, she squeaked and tossed her at the boys feet. " Trying to kill me huh? Why cuz your sweet little Vash didnt survive right?"

Snakes eyes were shocked as Vash thrust his blade into snakes back. Snake stumbled for a moment then fell in front of Kira. He stayed there silent. Vash looked up to his boys who didnt seemed fazed. Vash glared at them and they rolled their eyes at him.

" You fools" Vash said " Cant you see he is dead!" The boys smiled as Snakes arm grabbed Kiras leg " You fool Vash...Cant you see I don't die that easy"