Demon wings

The Drop

Kira gulped trying to get past the lump in her throat from the two destinations, " The Drop" or " death Vally". Both sounded so inviting. Kira grabbed Vashes hand as he started out the door. Cell followed closely behind, she was a great older sister figure, just not to little brothers. Vash knew this, he could feel her burning holes in the back of his head with her eyes.

Kira looked at him then back to Cell, she whispered so only Vash could hear her " We wont really start at those places, right?" He shook his head and she sighed in relief. Cell looked up to them and sighed heavily, clearly annoyed, or attempting to annoy.

Vash glanced back at Cell only as the left the Den. Vash took Kira into a open area with little tree coverage. He attempted to help her open her wings, and position herself to take off.

It was a disaster, first she couldn't get her wings to stay open, or for that matter, make enough lift to get off the ground. A few times she lost balance and fell backwards. Vash snickered at her, always helping her up to try again.

Cell stayed off to the side, up agenst a large rock. She almost never looked over at them, she didnt really care. Finally, Kira got herself off the ground, if not for a second. Cell grinned stood up and stretched. " Well, lets go have some fun now" She said grabbing Kiras arm.

Vash grabbed the other arm to keep Kira grounded. Cell sighed " Come on, she can get off the ground so she can take a challenge now" Cell complained. Her complaint was met with Vashes rage "NO! She can barely get herself off the ground and right now that is what we will work on. Shes not ready for anything else"

Cell sighed, annoyed and angered " Well, if anything goes wrong, oh guardian, just grab her from any harm, now come on". Cell yanked on Kira, pulling her away from Vash and taking off. Vash of course followed closely.

Kira looked up to Cell " Where are we going?" She pleaded Cell looked back with a wide grin. " To The Drop" Kiras stomach turned at the mention of it. She had never seen it but could only imagine what it could be like.

Vash tried to catch up with them, but the alien feeling of the sword at his side slowed him down a bit. If anything he was only a few feet from grabbing Kira. He cursed himself and many times thought of dropping the sword.

Kira gasped as she saw the ground stop, as Cell flew over it she saw at least a two hundred foot drop to the ground below. Kira desperately hung on to Cell as she tried to pull way. Cell sighed " Just open your wings, don't dive and you'll be fine" She said jerking her arm away from Kira who was left in the open air, falling fast.

Kira tried so desperately to open her wings up, most of the time they did, but the way they were slanted they almost never slowed her fall. A few times she attempted to flap, sending her flying backwards or some other way, making her scream.

Finally the worst happened, her weak wings gave in and blew up, she couldn't bring them back down, she looked like a umbrella that had been turned inside out by the winds. She screamed as she fell and the wind violently tossed her around in the air.

She was about one hundred feet from the ground when she felt something attack her. She looked up to see Vash grabbing her. He quickly pulled up, the wind almost tore her from his grip. He struggled to fly back to the cliffs edge.

When he finally arrived, tired and panting, Cell was sitting with her legs draped over the edge. She didnt even look at them, there was a faint smirk on her face though

Vash marched over to her and pulled out his sword, " If you ever take her from my side again, I will kill you. I am her guardian Cell, not you, so stay back. Watch us all you want, don't interfere" He said slashing at the air a few inches from her face before re sheathing it and walking back to Kira.

Kira was shaking and had fallen to the ground, her legs gave out under her. Vash picked her up and she through her trembling arms around his neck. He took off, back toward the Den and the training spot. Kira sighed and with a still shaky voice whispered "Thank you"