Demon wings


As Vash slashed the air minfront of her face Cells eyes slightly flinched, Vash dident see this though, better for Cells sake. She only turned her head to watch them fly off, then sighed and hopped off the cliffs edge. she let everything lose as she fell, hers eyes cracked slightly, the wind forced them almost shut. She tumbled and turned in the open air and looked at only what was infront of her. She was amlost half way down when she slanted her wings and slowly pulled out of her fall. she glided the rest of the way to the ground, her mind blank and her body the same. Suddenly she saw herself infront of her eyes.

She was just a girl, slightly younger then Kira. She was dressed in deep deep blue cloths, very baggy, and very dirty. Her hair was very long and very beautiful. but her eyes seemed dead. She had scares and bruses up and down her arms and her neck. Tears rolled down her face and she sat still on a small bed. A male voice shouted at her and he jerked up, eyes frightend. It was easy to tell she wanted to run, but was to afraid to move. Suddenly the door burst open and a large man stormed into her room grabbing her by the throat as she leapt up and tryed to run. Muffled words escaped her lips as her tired eyes gazed into his. He sneerd and threw her on the bed...then stromed out of the room leaving her to herself.

Cell shut her eyes and a single tear escaped her. A voice echoed in her mind ' your one of us, you are destaned for wonderful things'. her eyes snaped open to the way she was when she first saw Kira. She pulled her self out of the glide and threw herself into the skys. To many she was just a blue blur, her sparkaling wings made them look away, but a select few watched her with a passion.

She leveled off and looked around, she saw Vash and Kira, Kira was hovering over Vashes wanted hands. Cell looked at them and sighed. " I am not here for you.." she said with a heavy heart. " I dont know my purpose here" she murmerd and dove down to gain speed, leveling off ten feet from the ground. She zoomed past trees making them sway and blasted past Kira, forcing her upwards with a gush of air. Vash umped and caught her as Kira screamed in shock. Kira was pulled back down, she kept her eyes on the blue flash of light.

Cell flew into the Den and burst into Adrians room, staring him clear in the eyes. He sighed and nodded " i know, I thought you where too"