Demon wings

Full Moon

Kira yelped as she colided with a tree and hit the ground hard. Vash was quick by her side gentaly helping her up. She was exausted, they had been training for hours. At first progess was wonderfull, but now after hours of endless training, Kira couldnt take anymore. Her eyes pleaded with Vash for a break and he finally relised how tired she was and let her rest. HE gentaly proped her up agenst a tree and stood looking around. The wind kept pushing Kira back everytime she was in the air, Vash had just now noticed. ' We will have to work on that next...wind resistance.' . Kira wiped the sweat from her forhead and looked up to Vash. She smiled at the sight. Vash seemed so much taller and even more handsome.

The sun caught the sweat beading on his arms and face, makeing him glisten. He stood so perfectly, so proud and strong. His jewled belt glimmerd in the sun and his sword gleamed in the light. She felt herself begin to blush but couldnt pull her eyes away. Finnaly Vash sighed softly and looked down at her, breaking her trance. He grinned slightly and crouched infront of her. She smiled to him then looked down and away. He grinned and he saw her so beautifully. Her eyes sparkles in the light and her face lit up everytime she looked up to see if he was still looking down. She sat with one leg straight and the other bent with her arms by her sides. He grinned and sat next to her agenst the tree.

" I've never been this happy before" he said almost whispering. Kira looked over to him and gentaly placed her hand over his. " I feel the same way". Vash looked over to her and smiled, then set his head back on the tree and shut his eyes almost laughing. " I have no idea where we are". She snapped her head to him with wide eyes and mouthed 'what'. He looked over at her still smileing and shrugged. She was scared, " This isent funny or cool" She said now severly stressed. " What are we going to do Vash?" She asked as Vash shrugged and layed on the ground, his arms behind his head.

The sun was setting and soon the stars would come out, along with lots of night dweling beasts. Kira started to chew on her nails and gentaly rock back and foreth. She looked over at Vash, almost begging to try and find their way back to the den. Vash saw her pleading eyes and sighed. " Kira, this might be good for you, and us.". Kira looked him over puzzled. Vash grunted and sat up looking at her. " You need to get stronger in every way, this will only help. Besides, this might be a good sence of trust. Nothing will happen tonight I promis". Kira thought for a moment then nodded looking down, still scared. Vash looked her over and layed back down, one hand running over the hilt of his sword.

Kira looked him over and slowly crawled next to him. " Are we going to sleep out in the open?"she asked as Vashed pulled her down on him. He nodded and pointed to the sky which was now a deep blood red color, the sun was almost gone, and the moon was almost full.