Demon wings

Wings for a human

She backed away, still scared to death, but now interested. 'Will he kill me? Eat me?' She thought to herself, in a trace, her eyes lingered upon his great black wings. She looked up to him " Ill give you anything, if you make me fly." The demon grinned as if he had thought of something better then her humanity, and she saw it, pulling back and hiding her body. " Just that, realise though, once you are a demon, you can never go back. " He walked to her, warning her but still trying to get her to join him. She nodded, she understood. He smiled and grabbed her, holding her close to him. At first she struggled, then, liking it stayed still. She had forgotten how good it felt to have a man old her. She started to wriggle a little when he closed his wings around her. He held his lips at her neck. " Don't worry, I wont kill you" She gasped as his frightening words. Then screamed. He let her go and she fell to the floor. She started to faint. She heard his last words. " Fly to us when you wake, let no human see you, fly to the moon." His voice faded, his shape disappeared, she woke up in her bed. Still in the dead of night with the full moon peaking into her window.

She looked around and sighed. She kicked off her blanket and walked to the window looking at the moon. She almost cried. " Id fly to you, but I have no wings.". She turned to go back to bed, finding black feathers in it and on the ground. She stood still, scared, horrified. Then she started to grin, a weight on her back, not a large one, but it was there. She reached around. Feathers, wings. She cried out in joy, and fright. Her dream was real her deal was made. She wanted to show people. His words hung in her mind though. She began to panic. "I don't know how to use them!" She tried to the night sky to the moon. Then a knock at her door.

She gasped and looked for a place to hide, to hide her wings. " Kira, open the door" Kira didnt move or speak. She begged, pleaded for the demon to help her. ' come for me! help me! please come back' Her mother banged on the door now. " KIRA I SAID OPEN THIS DAMN DOOR!" She started to cry. " Its alright, hurry " She shot her gaze to the window. A women hovered there. She wasnt a women though, she was a demon. " Come on hurry" Kira stood up, walking to the window, not able to speak, only mouth the words. ' I don't know how....I cant fly" Tears spilled down her face and onto the floor. The women smiled and grabbed her arm. Pulling Kira out she instructed " Just feel them, move them, I wont let you fall" Kira grinned as the demon with the light blue wings took her hands and helped her fly.

It wasnt what you'd call successful, but a start. Kira's wings didnt carry her, but they didnt drop her. The tow of them glided through the night sky. Towards the moon. The demon kept talking to her " That's it, good job, keep them open" Kira nodded, never said anything just nodded. Soon the city was gone and woodland remained. They landed, roughly and Kira collapsed to her knees. The demon nodded " I takes a lot out of you the first few times. When you get the hang of it, it will be easier, much much easier." She looked around as her blue wings folded and walked away into the darkness. Kira lay on the ground panting with her wings around her. She looked up, she was gone. No sight of the demon. " WAIT! DONT LEAVE ME HERE!" She cried and sprung up. Her wings folded themselves. She ran past trees and through bushes looking for the demon. Suddenly something hit her. A furry of red in front of her eyes. She fell hard, her wings unfolded and like her arms covered her.

" DONT, don't touch her Vash" the blue winged demon yelled. She looked up to see a boy, maybe a little older then her with blood red wings looking down on her. He huffed and walked away. She was dragged to her feet and brushed off by her new friend. " Don't mind him, hes just territorial. I'm sure he'll grow to like you. " She smiled and started to walk away again. Kira stayed close behind this time. Her wings still slightly wrapped around her. Weary of another attack. They walked for a long time, then stopped. " No ones here yet. Well wait" She said leaning agenst a tree. Kira looked up to her. "Who are you?" She asked, she meant to ask for a name but in her state of shock her thoughts wernt all that clear. The demon seemed to understand and with a smile told her, " I'm Cilia, but you can call me cell" She spread her wide blue wings and motioned for Kira to do the same. She did, now understanding the functions of them better. Kira's back was to the moon, and Cell seemed to want it that way. She looked at Kira and gasped. Kira turned her head and looked at her wings. When you looked at her wings, and they where in the moon, they turned blood red, though the parts still outside the moon where black. Cell folded her wings and stepped back. Both happy and nervus. " Your...your the one...." She said with a smile. Kira smiled back so confused. Cell saw her confusion. " Your the one who was sent by our god, you've been Ive his ultimate gift." She walked closer " Your going to save us"