Demon wings

Old acquantences

Kira's eyes were shocked " What!?" She screamed, "I cant save you, I'm just a human! I cant even fly" She said in a nervous tone. Cell laughed " You cant fly yet, and your powers will come. Don't worry half of us are once humans, most of us are half blood. All of us are demon" She said with a snicker. She looked to a tree behind Kira, in it sat Vash looking Kira over with interest in his eyes. Cell smirked, " Kira you don't have a boyfriend do you" She said looking at Vash and Vash glared back at her. Kira shook her head, her eyes on the ground. She sighed and looked at her wings.

They where feathered, and thin, easily tucked in so that she kept her figure. It didnt even feel like they where there. She opened them wide and grinned to herself, she accidentally flapped them and sent herself a few feet into the air then fell back down hard. She sat there on the ground wincing as the pain shot through her body. 'Great' She thought ' I have wings, I can fly away now, but I cant use them' She believed that things would never go right for her. So she sat there discouraged and lonely. Cell saw her and walked over " Whats wrong?" She asked as if Kira where her younger sister. Kira shook her head and turned away. She wasnt the social type.

Cell stood up and saw Vash sneering at her. She narrowed her eyes at him. " Ill be right back" She said and took off at such speed the wind knocked Kira back. Kira swung around to see Cell Chasing Vash through the sky. They where only blurs of blue and red. Just when Kira thought that Cell had caught him he sped up and was gone. Cell came back down panting. "Hes fast and that's about it." She said. "You should really get to know him Kira, he may be able to help you." She said with a grin then sighed " Well, they would have felt you by now, lets go. We will have to find them." She said grabbing Kiras arm and launching them into the sky.

Kira didnt scream, instead she tried to fly with Cell. Her wings where unstable and made her lose her balance multiple times, but she eventualy got the hang of it and didnt have to hold on to Cell. There was the occasional up drift that flung her back and forth and made her wings fold, but beside that, she wasnt half bad.

Before to long Cell brought herself into a dive. Kira tried to follow but more fell then dove. Thankfully her wings caught the wind before she hit the ground and made her landing softer. Not soft enough though, she hit with a thud and multiple voices laughed at her. She picked herself up to find four or five winged demons staring at her with cruel eyes. Cell stood in front of her and glared at them. " You had better be nice to her!" Cell warned as a few started over.

"Yea? Why should we, shes just a human coming into our clan, she needs to be initiated" They said threatening. Cell Opened her arms and wings so hat Kira was safely behind them. " Don't touch her, you'll have to deal with me first." She said as her eyes turned red. They all sneered and their eyes turned red too. Then a familiar voice from behind the demons said " Lift your wings to the moon Kira" Everyone looked to the voice then to Kira. Cell let down her wings and stepped aside. Kira opened her wings and the moon turned them red. Everyone gasped and the demon who told them to watch came out of the shadows.

Kira smiled at him. It was the demon who gave her the wings.