Demon wings

Unwanted gift

Kira stood up before them and stood back from the demon who seemed to be there leader. He smiled to her and walked up to her and Cell as the other demons walked away. All of their eyes turned back to normal and Kira folded her wings once more. " Glad to see you made it" Said the head demon who nodded to Cell. " Adrian, why her?" A voice said from above them, Kira looked to see Vash sitting in a tree staring at him. Adrian shook his head and opened his wings, he nodded to Cell and took off. Cell grabbed Kira's arm and took off at a frightening speed, Kira couldnt even try to steady herself, she was just being dragged now. She clenched her teeth and just waited to land.

When they did finally stop and land Kira fell to the ground and looked around. They where in the middle of no where, a small house stood in front of them and Cell was already going inside. " Wait." Kira try to say and stumbling followed her. The house was empty, only a stair case leading down and she quickly ran down it. It was dark, and hard to see at first, though when her eyes adjusted she gaped and pressed herself up against a wall. It was where Adrian had first talked to her in her dream. She closed her eyes and remembered that they wern t going to hurt her. She let out a gasp of held in air and stared to walk into the darkness, soon the glow of torches caught her eye and she followed the hall that was lit up.

After walking for a while she didnt mind the darkness anymore, she kind of liked it. She didnt mind being alone, she never did and now she didnt mind if no one found her. Though as soon as she thought of that a voice called her name, it was Cell and she ran down the hallway to get to her faster.

The hall way lead to the room where Adrian had talked with her but now much more decorated, chairs and couches surrounded tables. At least four sets of these where in the room. A orb of light floated near the ceiling lighting the room with a uneasy glow. She saw Cell sitting on a couch in the middle set and walked over. When she got close enough she saw Adrian in a chair which faced Cell, not letting her know he was there and she jumped at the site of him. This amused both and they snickered under their breaths. Her spirit died down and she sat in a chair between them.

" Now Kira" Stared Cell, " what we are about to discus cannot be told to anyone else, alright?" she said in a serious voice with a stern look. Kira nodded and Adrian did as well. Just as he did Vash came from the corner, before concealed by the shadows. Kira didnt jump this time, she stopped herself. Vash leaned up agenst a chair and kept his eyes on her, making her want to turn away but she only moved her eyes. Every time she looked back at him, his eyes where on hers as if trying to read her.

After a minute or two Adrian turned to Vash. " Anything?" he asked. Vash nodded and closed his eyes, realising Kira from the uneasy feelings. "Everything" He said looking to Cell who smiled. Adrian nodded and stood up. " Now Kira" He said walking over to her, she tried to sink in her chair. " I gave you wings because you needed them, and your heart could not be given to the light so the darkness took you" As he said this he spread his arms wide to show he meant them and where she was now. He smiled, making her feel weird, " I also felt something in you, something more" He said taking a knife out and held it in his right hand pointed away from her, her eyes grew wide and scared as she pushed agenst the back of the chair. " You have a great power Kira, something that can save us, and we need it from you" He said raising the blade over his head and thrusting it into Kira's left shoulder.