Demon wings

Fly away

Kira awoke late next mornign to find she was alone in the bed. She quickly shot up and looked around, the room dident seem so evil and sinister now, but it was still creepy. She found the door and peeked out before deciding to walk down the hall.

She started off the opposite way from the room with all the couches and held herself while she walked. Before to long Cell pooped out of a corner Kira couldent even see and sent Kira screaming backwards. Cell giggled to herself a bit as she offerd Kira a hand up. " Sorry" She said still wearing a smile " Dident mean to scare you that much" She said brushing Kira off a little bit. Kira grinned and nodded. she dident mind she was usually the center of jokes, at least that one wasent so crule.

Cell lead her to a room where myltyple demons where eating. Cell grabbed herself what looked like a hunk of steak, and Kira ruffused anything to eat at all. Cell shrugged it off and started to the door leading to the woods, Kira close behind.

Before Cell could open the door, Vash was infront of Kira offering her food. He could tell she barley ate, and he was growing more protective of her. " Here" He said " Its really good, you need it" Kira smiled to him and shook her head in a polite no thanks. Vash sighed followed her and Cell outside, the two girls never stoped and he dident eather.

For his last atemped he finnaly said " If you dont eat something everyday your wings will die Kira!" This made Kira twirl around and Vash nodded to her questioning stare. She sighed and finnaly nodded giveing in to eating the strange meat. " Thanks" She said in a hushed voice, then turned around to start walking again, nibbling at the food, takeing larger chunks once she found it was pretty good.

Cell Fell back a bit to walk with Vash, She whisperd " Why did you tell her that?" Vash smiled, scareing Cell a little, he never smiled, ever. " I had to get her to eat, look at her, shes been starving herself." Cell look at him curiously, then sighed. " Vash, you cant protecter if bad goes to worse, and you know that" Vashes smiled turned into a scowl at Cell, she took a step away from him. Vash glared at her " I wont let her die, not her." He tryed to speed up but Cell kept his pace. " you couldent save your family, or your girl, you cant save her" She said, tossing Vash into a rage shed never seen before.

Vash punched Cell in the face, making her fall to the ground. The sound of the hit fourced Kira to tuen around, she had finished eating and was wiping her mouth with her sleave, her eyes grew wide when they saw Cell on the ground. Vash snorted to her, an obveous threat, then he ran to Kira, grabbed her arm and took off.

Cell shouted something at Vash then unstablely ran back to the other demons. Vash pulled Kira up to a hug. She was faceing him and the sky while her back faced the trees below.

Vash was attacking himself inside, tears formed in his eyes and many times he tryed to explian to Kira what had just happpend. Kira finnaly asked her self " Why? What happend Vash?" She asked hopeing he wouldent be abusive. Vash tryed so hard to calmly say something when Kira aksed him again. Tears spilled over his cheeks as he screamed " I WONT LET YOU DIE!!!"

((Any comments my lovely readers? lol))