10 More Minutes With You

What It Is To Burn

Chapter 10

Jessica’s POV

I was excited to see Frank. Even though it was only a few days since I’ve seen him, I missed him, a lot. I was a little nervous though, I wasn’t buying the fact that he was sick. Gerard dropped me off at my house after school and I immediately sprinted to my room. I wanted to fix my hair and make up before he came over. As soon as I looked good enough, I sat watching TV, listening for the door.

After a few minutes, I heard a soft, tentative knock. I leapt up and sprinted to open the door.

“Hey Frank!” I exclaimed as I opened the door. “how ar-“ I stopped when I saw him. My mouth popped open. His was wearing a hoodie, but I saw bruises on his hands that I’m assuming extended up his arms. His eyes were a sickening purple color, and he looked weak, like he might collapse. He wasn’t sick, he had been beaten up.

“Hey Jess,” he mumbled weakly, the corners of his mouth twitching slightly upward. “can I come in?” he asked. I just nodded and stepped aside. He walked over the couch and gently sat down. He sat on the edge of the couch, being careful not to touch his back or arms to the couch.

“What happened?” I asked once I found my voice again.

“Nothing,” he said, looking down at the ground nervously.

“Frank…” I pleaded. “who did this to you?” I saw him clinch his teeth.

“No one, nothing happened, I’m fine,” he defended angrily.

“Frank, that’s bullshit. Someone had to do this to you.” I said, getting slightly angry myself. When he remained silent, I figured I would have to guess what happened. “Did you go anywhere after school the other day?” he shook his head. So it happened at his house. His parents did this? Then I thought back to the day we met. When his dad was mentioned, his jaw tightened and he quickly changed topic. “Frank, was it…your dad?” I whispered. Frank’s head dropped, and I could hear his teeth grinding against each other as he nodded.

“He was just drunk. No biggie,” he said, shrugging it off. My jaw dropped. No biggie?! Has he SEEN his self?

“Frank, this is a big deal. He hurt you. That’s abuse,” I said, watching him carefully. It seemed like every moment, no matter how small, hurt him.

“No, really Jess, it’s fine.” He said, his face turning red. “Look, lets just talk about something else okay. Please,” he looked up at me when he said the last part. His eyes were glistening.

“Okay. Want skittles?” I asked, masking my voice with as much fake enthusiasm as I could manage.

We sat at watched TV for a few hours. He took Tylenol periodically. I noticed his left eye was extremely swollen, so I got him a bag of ice. Besides the few subtle differences in how Frank acted, like being careful when he moved, things were pretty normal.
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Sorry its been a while since i've updated. Tons of shit is going on and I just havn't been in the mood to write.