10 More Minutes With You

My Love Note Has Gone Flat

Chapter 26

Each day seemed the same, equally horrible to get through. Gerard and Mikey stayed by my side, night and day, and I don’t know what I would have done if they weren’t there for me. They banned me from shaving, which was slightly gross. I hated my legs being prickly. By the 5th day, I told Gerard I had to shave my legs, it was driving me insane. I changed into short shorts and stood over the bathtub, shaving, and Gerard stood by the sink, staring at his fingers. He was in there because he knew I wouldn’t dare do anything with him so close.

After missing almost two weeks of school, all three of us decided it was time to return. I woke up that morning to Gerard and Mikey gently waking me up, a cup of coffee and a bowl of Captain Crunch in hand. I reluctantly went through the boring process of getting ready for school. I grabbed the first pair of jeans I saw. After zipping them up, I realized they were Mikey’s. Looking down, I saw that they fit me really well, so I kept them on. I pulled on a Reggie and the Full Effect shirt and then walked into the bathroom. I straightened my hair, then lined my eyes with dark black eye liner. I finished by adding mascara then brushing my teeth.

I sat on the couch watching TV, waiting for the guys to finish getting ready. After a few minutes, I felt the couch sink slightly to my right and looked over to see Mikey sitting with a big goofy smile on his face. I returned it, less enthusiastic, and then leaned into his open embrace.

He ran his fingers through my hair soothingly. “I’m so proud of you Jess. You’re doing so good now. You’re a wonderful person. Today will be fine, okay? I promise.” He whispered softly into my ear as we heard Gerard’s uneven footsteps down the hall. He ran over to us, clad in his hamster shirt that I had gotten him for Christmas last year, and joined in on the hug.

“Let’s go!” He yelled excitedly. Mikey and I looked at each other, both of us clearly wondering what the hell Gee was on, then we both giggled as Gerard put his face right in between ours, stuck out his tongue like a little kid, then dragged us off to the car.
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I'm trying to write longer updates. I'm clearly not doing so good at it. I'm going to attempt to get on a schedule. Update at least every Saturday, maybe more. Let's see how well that works. Comment please.