Come on Angel, Don't You Cry

Chapter 08

Megan wandered for ages, not knowing where she was going. She walked down main roads, alley ways, pathways and more. To her, it felt as if she had walked around the whole of New York in the two hours she had been there.
It had started to get dark and she was in an alley way behind a bar so she thought it would be best to stay there for the night.
She sat down and took a spare jumper out of her bag, folded it, and placed it on the ground for a pillow.
As it was only 6, she wasn't very tired, only sore in her feet.

Dear whoever cares,

I wander what the World has in store for me now?
I'm sitting in an alley way, freezing my ass off. Y'know, I wander what Frank and the guys are doing right now. Nice and warm. Home.
Talking, playing video games..
I wander what they'll do when I don't trun up at school tomorrow?
Freak? Or not care?

Megan sniffed, holding back tears as she thought about Frank not realizing she wasn't there. Well, as she thought he only wanted her for sex why would he care anyway? Unless he was just really desperate..

But thinking about that caused her to think about her dad, which then caused her to think of her mum, then in turn causing her to break into tears.
Sobbing over her mothers death, she didn't even hear anyone approach her.
"Hey, are you okay?" The stranger asked
"Huh? Oh I'm fine"
"Okay, I'm Candy. Well, Candise, but people call me Candy.." the girl said, sticking out her hand for Megan to shake.
"Megan" she replied, taking Candy's hand and shaking.
"Nice to meet you Megan" Candy said, taking a seat next to Megan.
She had medium length ginger hair. Covered in dirt. Her clothes had rips in them and were worn out. It was obvious that this girl had been living on the streets for a while now.
"D'you mind if I stay here with you tonight?" Candy asked "I don't feel like sleeping on my own tonight"
"Sure, that's cool"
"Thanks" And she took a ripped sleeping bag out of her back pack and layed it over her and Megans legs.

Megan and Candy sat there for two hours. It was now 8pm and dark so they decided to call it a night.
They both layed down, trying to get comfy, then trying to fall asleep which was hard as they were right behind a bar.
"Eugh, fuck. We're not gonna get any sleep until about 2 in the Goddamned morning." Candy groaned. "Fuck. Ah well."
"So, tell me about yourself? Why are you on the streets?"
"I ran away so I wouldn't need to tell anyone about my life. Start again. So I don't want to talk about it."
"Okay, that's cool. Well I'm 17 now, when I was 16 I was kicked out of my house because my parents could no longer be bothered to look after me."
"Oh, I'm sorry" Megan said, putting an arm around the other girls shoulder, pulling her in for a comforting hug.
"Eh, I don't mind any more. It was a year ago, so I'm used to this form of lifestyle now."
"Whoa! I ran away today" Megan replied sadly.
"Wow. New. Awesome, I'll help you with alot of stuff. Like tomorrow we're gonna have to go bef for money to get food and stuff.." Candy said matter of factly.
" I've got $200 on me."
"Jesus! Don't tell any one or you won't have it much longer."
They continued to talk till the noise in the bar died down which was at about 1:30 am
"I'm tired" Megan yawned.
"Me too" Candy replied, returning the yawn.

Megan woke up from a very uncomfortable sleep. It took her an hour or more to finally fall asleep.
She shivered as she sat up and stretched her arms.
"Fucking freezing" she mumbled, then remembered she hadn't eaten anything last night. Or thrown up for that matter.
Candy woke up a few minutes later, stood up and rolled up the sleeping bag, put it in her bag and stretched her hand out to help Megan up.
"Where are we going?" Megan asked. Curious as to why they were moving at 5:30 in the morning.
"We need to get something to eat before other people go in the café amd we meed to move before cops tell us to move anyway"
"Ah, okay"

They set off to the nearest café that was open at 6.
"Oh! I know. It's this place close to here. The owner's so nice! Follow me!" Candy exclaimed.
"Haha, awesome"
They walked for abit longer until they reached a small little building.
"Here it is" Candy said, pointing at the café. It was a dirty white building with a broken sign attached that you could hardly make out what it said.
"Tom, the owner, is real sweet."
The two gils walked into the café to be greeted by a tall black haired boy.
"CANDY!" He shouted "Long time no see babe"
"Haha, hey Tom. I know, I've kinda been moving around New York looking for different places, but liked it best here. I know you here for a start" Candy replied, pulling a big grin
"I missed you. And who's your new friend?" Tom said, after giving Candy a hug.
"This is Megan"
"Hi" Megan said shyly
"She's new"
"Ah I see. Well, grab a table and I'll get you two a muffin and coffee."
"Thank you!" Candy said.

When Tom came back over with their coffee and muffin Megan rolled up her sleeves, forgetting about her stitches.
"Whoa! What happened there?" Tom shriked, looking at Megan's arm.
"Oh, nothing" Megan said after Tom pointed it out. "Nothing. But I need to take 'em out somehow and I'm NOT going to hospital"
"Erm okay, I guess you could do it yourself then? Or one of us? I don't know, I'm no doctor and it'd be kinda dangerous. But if you really don't wanna go to hospital.."
"No I don't"
"Okay, erm how are we gonna do this?" Candy asked.
"I dunno, I was kinda thinking I'd just get some scissors and cut at it.."
"Erm, that seems difficult. I have some scissors out back though, I'll go get 'em and we could try?" Tom said and Megan nodded her head.

Tom went out to the back, then came back holding a pair of long sharp scissors.
"Okay, do you want me, candy or you to do this?"
"Erm, I'll do it myself" Tom said 'okay' and handed the scissors over to Megan who in turn, took off the little white plasters covering then and slipped the scissors underneath one then cut.
She didn't know what to do, so she started to pull them out.
She was wincing the whole time, and Candy and Tom could only sit there flinching. Once they were out they all let out a deep breath and Megan started scrathing her arm.
"Eh, it's itchy now" She wined.
Candy laughed "It probably will be for a while"
"It'll stop soon. Just give your arm time to get used to it" Tom said, rubbing Megans shoulders. "Now eat you two!"
Megan and Candy laughed and replied with a "yes sir!"

"Where's the bathroom?" Megan asked once she was finished eating. "Over there next to the counted" Tom pointed
"Thanks" she said as she stood up and made her way to the bathroom to throw up her muffin.