‹ Prequel: Take My Hand Tonight

Underneath It All

Top of the World


Preparing last minute for a special dinner is not an easy task. I ran around the supermarket for a good thirty minutes picking up ingredients for tonight’s meal. I wanted it to be perfect. It had to be perfect. Since I was no good in the kitchen, I spent a good few minutes to ask for my mother’s help.

Tonight’s menu consisted of lasagna but I had no idea how to make it. I loved the lasagna my mom always made, but she wanted to make a salad to go with it. I wanted to make Lilly happy, not piss her off even more with something she hated. As much as I enjoy a small salad once in a while, I couldn’t allow one to be out tonight. I spent needed time agreeing with my mom to not make a salad. She persisted for a good five minutes asking me why not and I couldn’t tell her the real reason. She would be against this whole dinner if I told her ‘Oh, I’m trying to impress my ex-girlfriend with a good meal and good intentions so she can be with me again.’ I know it sounds selfish and childish but I could care less.

While the lasagna spent its time in the oven, I went up to my room. I walked towards my closet and stared at all my clothes. I never had issues when it came to pick what to wear for the day. I could just wear what I already had on, but it wasn’t presentable. Maybe if I made a good impression on Lilly’s grandparents they could talk some sense into her, just maybe.

I ended up pulling out black skinny jeans and a gray button down. To finish off the outfit, I added a simple black tie. It was casual and decent enough, but I had a feeling I would be the only one dressed up.

As I finished getting dressed, I heard the front door slam shut. I hoped it was Frankie so I could ask him about his day. I quickly grabbed my green converse and tied them up hastily. I walked out of my room and down the stairs. Sure enough I heard Frankie in the kitchen talking to my parents about his day.

“And then she brought me home,” Frankie said. It seemed I missed his whole speech about his day and caught the very end.

“Who brought you home?” I asked casually. I pulled out a chair and sat on it.

“LJ brought me home,” Frankie said. He was nibbling on a cookie. How could he get away with that before dinner, and I always got caught.

“Did she?” I asked. “What did you guys do today?”

“We went to the park by the golf course,” Frankie said, “And I saw Kevin and Joe there playing golf with some people. Then Alana told LJ to take us to LJ’s house so we can make cookies.”

“You guys made cookies?” I asked. Frankie nodded.

“Sorta,” he said. “Alana and I made them since LJ said she doesn’t know how to cook if her life depended on it. She just put them in the oven.” I smiled at Frankie.

“Can I have a cookie?” I asked.

“Nicholas, we’re eating dinner soon,” my mom said taking the plate of cookies that were in front of Frankie.

“But Frankie had one,” I said. My mom grabbed a cookie and broke it in half. She handed me half and smiled. I laughed as I took the half and put it in my mouth. “Thanks.”

“Did you know LJ is coming over tonight?” Frankie asked. “Her and her old kooks.” My dad and I both snorted and Frankie’s comment.

“Why’d you say that about her grandparents?” I asked.

“She calls them that,” Frankie said. “I don’t get it, they don’t look like kooks.”

“Do you know what a kook is?” I asked.

“Not really,” he replied. “But I like her, she’s funny. Did you know we used to live next to her? Now we do again! Mom, can she come over a lot?”

“You have to ask her,” my mom said. “Now go get cleaned up, they should be coming soon.” Frankie nodded his head and left the kitchen.

“Mom can you make a cake?” I asked.

“By when?” she asked.

“Tonight?” I asked hopeful. She smiled down at me a ruffled my hair. Now, I had to spend more time on my hair than I needed to.

“You bought a pie,” she said. “Do you really need a cake too?”

“No,” I said, but I just realized Lilly would probably prefer a cake way more than a pie. “Never mind, it’s okay. Are Joe and Kevin home?”

“No they are not,” my mom said walking over to the oven. She opened it and checked on the lasagna. “Paul, can you call the boys up and tell them to get home before our guests arrive?” My dad got up and walked over to the phone. Just as he started dialing, I heard the doorbell ring. I checked my watch; it was way too early for them to be here. I didn’t even have time to touch up my hair or spray a little cologne. I quickly stood up and walked to the door.

I opened the door and put on one of my best smiles. Unfortunately, it was wasted on Kevin and Joe.

“Thanks Nick,” Joe said walking into the house and setting down his golf clubs.

“You do know you don’t have to ring the doorbell to your own house,” I said, half annoyed and half relieved.

“Kevin forget his key,” Joe said as Kevin walked in. “Um, hold on.” Joe looked at his phone and picked it up. “Hello? Dad, we’re already home.” Joe hung up his phone and laughed. “Silly Dad.”

“I didn’t forget my key,” Kevin said closing the door and putting his golf clubs next to Joe’s. “Well, okay I did but at least I didn’t lose my house key.” Kevin looked at Joe who just smiled. “Watch some crazy fan finds it and tries every house and finds out we live here.”

“That’ll never happen,” Joe said waving his hand. “At least I don’t write my name on the key. They’ll never know.”

“So Nick,” Kevin said looking at me. “Why are you so dressed up? Got a date or something?”

“No,” I said biting my bottom lip. “The Sanchez family is coming for dinner.”

“Sanchez?” Joe asked.

“As in Lillian Sanchez?” Kevin finished. I nodded my head.

“What for?” Joe asked. “I thought she didn’t like us. I thought that she doesn’t want to see us.”

“Mom invited them,” I said. Well it was half true.

“Hm,” Joe said. “Fantastic.”

“What are you complaining for?” Kevin asked. I looked over at Kevin who looked as if he was about to speak, but kept his mouth shut. “Never mind, I’m going to take a shower before they get here.” Kevin picked up his golf clubs and put them in the closet. He started walking upstairs, leaving Joe and I standing there.

“I got to go fix my hair,” I said. “Aren’t you going to change?” Joe was wearing khaki shorts, an Argyle shirt. It had to be a good ninety degrees today, which would explain Joe being so sweaty and his hair stuck to his forehead.

“Fine,” Joe said. “I’ll take a shower.” Joe laughed to himself as he started walking up the stairs. I looked at my watch once again. I still had forty minutes.


“Good evening,” I said robot like as six o’clock finally rolled around, and here at the door was Lilly’s family.

“Hello Nicholas,” the older lady said. I was horrible with names, since so many people introduced themselves to me, but I wasn’t sure if she was Lilly’s real grandmother. I remembered she lived with her grandmother whom I always called Mrs. Sanchez.

“Hello, how are you?” I asked, allowing them to come in.

“Doing well,” she said.

“Hi, sir,” I said greeting Lilly’s grandfather. This guy I knew was for sure her paternal grandfather. He resembled Lilly’s father greatly, minus the intimidating stature.

“Nick, m’boy,” he said. He stuck his hand out and shook mine. For a man of his age, he had a strong grip. “How’s it going?”

“Fine, thanks,” I said. I looked at the door to greet Lilly, but she was nowhere to be seen. I started feeling extremely sorrow overcome my whole body. How could she not come? Was I that horrible of a person? When I thought all hope was over, there was Lilly, running towards the door. I imagined she was running towards me to throw her arms around my neck so we could embrace.

“Sorry,” she mumbled, looking more at her grandfather than at me. “I had to take this out of the oven and I burned my hand like three times.” She finally looked over at me and half smiled, though it looked as if she was forcing it. “Where’s your mom?”

“Right here,” my mom said. She gave the two elders a brief hug and looked over at Lilly. “Ah, what’s this? Is this what Frankie was talking about?”

“Yeah,” Lilly said handing my mom a platter covered in foil. “Frankie wanted to make you a cake, but he didn’t get to finish it.”

“Maybe you can help him finish it?” she asked. “He’d love that. And Nicholas, this is perfect, you wanted a cake and here is one being made by your own brother.”

“Oh but it’s just a yellow cake,” Lilly said. “It doesn’t even have frosting or anything.” She stopped talking and started pulling at the end of her tank top. I remembered that tank top. She wore it the first day we met.

“Well we have frosting in the kitchen,” my mom said. “Come and help me find them so you and Frankie can complete it.”

“LJ!” Frankie said as he came running down the stairs. He jumped the last one and looked up at Lilly. She smiled down at him and bent down so she was his level.

“Hey kid,” she said as she leaned in to hug him. She quickly released and stood up.

“Can we finish the cake?” Frankie asked.

“Yeah I guess,” she said. “Lead the way shortcake.” Frankie tugged at Lilly’s hand and dragged her along to the kitchen.

“Well, you two make yourselves at home,” my mom said leading Lilly’s grandparents into the living room. “Let me fetch my husband. Nick, can you get your brothers?”

“Right here Mom,” Kevin said coming down. “Hi, I’m Kevin.” Kevin shook both their hands and smiled down at the two of them. “I would like to say I’ve heard so much about you, but I’d be lying.” They both laughed while Kevin went to go sit on one of the chairs.

“Well, I’m Margaret, but please call me Maggie.”

“Okay, Maggie,” Kevin said. He laughed to himself and looked up at me. “So are you Lilly’s grandparents or her siblings?” I snorted at that comment.

“Actually I’m her grandfather, and the name’s William, Bill for short,” he replied.

“And I’m more of a step-grandmother in a sense towards Lilly,” Maggie said, “Even though she most likely doesn’t consider me one.”

“Oh no,” Kevin said. “How come?”

“You know how teens are,” Maggie said. “She loves her grandmother, Bill’s first wife, so I’m nothing more than wife number two to her.”

“Aw,” Kevin said, “You know she doesn’t think that. She probably likes you. When she first met Nick over there she hated him, then they went out. So, give her a chance.”

“You two went out?” Maggie asked looking over at me. I felt my face flush with all this attention now directed towards me. I just nodded my head. “So you knew each other before you moved here? Well that’s interesting, what a small world.”

“Small world indeed,” I said quietly.

“You don’t have to answer,” Maggie said, “Are you two broken up?” I nodded my head again. “Oh, I’m sorry, are you two on any good terms? I mean is it awkward for us being here? We can leave if you’d like us to.”

“No,” I said quickly, “I mean it’s not awkward for me, but maybe for her. I’m going to go check on dinner, excuse me.” I quickly left the living room to go into the kitchen. I walked in to see something I wasn’t expecting. I saw an extremely jubilant Lilly, Frankie and dad. They were all surrounding the island, while Frankie was putting frosting on the cake.

“You know I love baking,” Lilly said, “But I just don’t know how. I mean I’m almost eighteen and I can’t even cook an egg without burning the house down.” My dad chuckled while Frankie concentrated on spreading the vanilla frosting on the yellow cake. “I even have a book of different things to bake, but I’m not sure how to start.”

“Have you ever tried?” my dad asked.

“Well, my brother Jason won’t let me,” she said. “He kind of forbids me from being in the kitchen alone unless I’m making one of my bomb smoothies.”

“Open a smoothie shop,” my dad suggested causing Lilly to laugh. Her laugh was like music to my ears.

“Everyone tells me that,” she said, “But I want to open a smoothie slash bakery shop. I think both of my parents genes rubbed off on me. I have a love of baking like my mom did, but I can’t cook if my life depended on it, like my father.”

“Well, don’t worry about it,” my dad said, “Maybe you’ll marry a guy who can cook well.” Lilly laughed again, and looked over in my direction and her laughter ceased.

“Maybe,” she said as she stuck her finger in the frosted cake and stuck it in her mouth. “Sorry, I’m keeping you from entertaining my oldies out there. Maybe you should help your wife and Kevin out before Kevin runs out of things to say.”

“I don’t think that’s possible,” my dad said. “Anyways, if you need anything I’ll be out here.”

“Okay, later,” she said. “So, Nicholas.”

“Yes?” I answered. I walked a little closer towards them and watched Frankie start smearing chocolate frosting on the other half of the cake.

“What’s for dinner?” she asked. “And according to your dad, I hope you didn’t cook.” Frankie laughed and went back to his cake.

“Lasagna,” I said, “And my mom made it.”

“Nice,” Lilly said smiling at me finally. “Anything else?”

“Salad,” I said. Lilly wrinkled his face in disgust. “Sorry, I tried to make her not make any but she won the battle.” Lilly laughed again and looked down at the cake.

“Um, Nick?” I looked at her to continue talking. “Listen, I’m um, I’m sorry about earlier. You know freaking out at you when you weren’t even doing anything. You were just trying to be nice and I ruined the little nice moment we were somewhat having.” I smiled at her, which she returned after a few seconds.

“Don’t worry about it,” I replied. “We probably should have-”

“No,” she said cutting me off. “Don’t make any more excuses for me. Let’s just forget about what happened.”

“Cake!” Joe said entering the kitchen and walking directly towards the cake. His finger was about to touch the cake until Frankie yelled at him.

“No, don’t touch!” Frankie shouted. “I worked so hard on it.”

“Aw, I’m sorry kid,” Joe said.

“Joey?” Frankie said looking up at Joe.


“Don’t call me kid,” Frankie said, making me laugh.

“Oh, sorry,” Joe said. “Why not?”

“Only LJ can,” Frankie said. “But you can still call me Frankie.” Lilly and I both laughed while Joe looked down at Frankie.

“Okay,” he said. “Oh, hi Lillian, what’s up?”

“Nothing,” she said avoiding Joe’s gaze and staring down at the cake. “Oh wait.” Lilly dug into her jeans pocket and pulled out what looked like a key. “I found this on the ground on the way over. I was going to toss it in the sewer but I noticed it had your name on it.” She handed Joe the key and I saw his face flush. He either flushed because he made an idiot out of himself in front of Lilly, or because their hands touched for a second in the exchange. “Who writes their name on their keys anyways?” I laughed as Joe put his key in his pocket.

“Thanks,” Joe said. Lilly nodded and continued to not look at Joe. “Okay, well I’ll be back later.” Joe grabbed one of the frosting containers, stuck his finger in there and left.

“Disgusting,” Lilly said. “Frankie don’t use that please.”

“Okay,” Frankie said, “I’m done though. Do you think my mom will like it?”

“Yeah, of course she will,” Lilly said. “Want me to put it in the refrigerator?” Frankie nodded while Lilly picked up the cake. I quickly went over to open the refrigerator while she looked for a spot to put it in. “Is that pie?”

“Yeah,” I said closing the refrigerator. “Boston Cream Pie.”

“Shut up!” Lilly shouted. She quickly put her hand over her mouth and laughed. “I’m starting to sound like a stupid thirteen year old. I meant to say that’s great. Is that for you or something?”

“No,” I replied, “It’s for tonight. I bought it for you, since I know you love it so much.”

“Really?” Lilly asked. “Nobody has ever bought me a pie before, this is awesome.”

“You’re welcome then,” I replied as I walked to the other side of the kitchen and opened up the oven. “Dinner looks ready, can you hand me those oven mitts over there please?” Lilly tossed to me the oven mitts and I slipped them on. Carefully I reached into the oven, feeling the four hundred degree heat being blown in my face, I took out the lasagna.

“That looks really good,” Lilly said looking over at where I placed the lasagna. “Did you make all my favorites, or is this another one of your creepy coincidences?” I smiled as I shut the oven and took off the mitts.

“This was actually done on purpose,” I replied. “The lasagna and the pie, but don’t tell anyone.”

“Why not?” she asked.

“No reason,” I replied. “People are just going to think I’m doing all this to get you back or something.”

“And are you?” she asked.

“I’m afraid I’m going to have to keep that information to myself,” I said. Lilly sighed loudly and poked me in my stomach.

“Come on,” she said. “Your secret is safe with me.”

“Same with yours,” I said. “Frankie go wash your hands upstairs so we can eat.” Frankie ran out of the kitchen.

“What secret?” she asked crossing her arms over her chest. “I don’t have a secret.”

“Are you sure about that?” I asked with a smile creeping up on my face.

“You’re a creepy kid sometimes,” she said hoisting herself up on the island. I laughed as she did this. “Okay, what?”

“Well you always yelled at Jason or Kevin for sitting on this,” I said. “What was it you said? This is for eating, not for your butts?”

“No I said ass,” Lilly said, still sitting on top of the island. “Well, it’s not my house so I don’t care.” I laughed out loud.

“Thanks for not caring so much about my house,” I replied. “Now come and help me serve dinner. You look hungry.”

“And you look nice tonight,” Lilly said. She smacked herself in the face which made me laugh. “You didn’t hear anything.”

“This old thing?” I said gesturing to my shirt. “You like it?” Lilly jumped down and stared at me.

“I said you look like a mice,” she said.

“Uh huh,” I said slipping on my oven mitts once more and picking up the dinner and walking into the dining room.. “The proper word would be mouse.” I placed the lasagna on the table. “I would say the same thing but you didn’t seem to try hard enough on your outfit tonight.”

“It’s fifty billion degrees outside,” she exclaimed. “Do you really expect me to dress up when I’m just going to sweat all over it?”

“That’s what the AC is for,” I said walking back into the kitchen and putting the oven mitts in their proper place. “So I’m not very hot inside if you were wondering.”

“I wasn’t,” she said. “Never mind, can we just eat now?”

“We can eat now if you promise me something,” I said. She looked at me wary, but nodded her head. “Promise to sit next to me at dinner?”

“As long as I don’t sit anywhere near Joe, whatever,” she said. I smiled once more at Lilly. I was on top of the world right now.
♠ ♠ ♠
So I hella want pie right now. Mutual feelings anyone?

Thanks to Alex for the lovely banner.