House of Wolves

Principal Bryar's Notes

HOUSE MASTER WAY! You are definitely had cross the limit this time! I cant believe that you contaminated my thread with your sexual explicit material! You are definitely the biggest jerk in the entire history of mankind!

I’m gonna report this to PRINCIPAL BRYAR!

here comes his notes (at least he's not hijacking my account you big ass!)


WAY, I’ve been receiving complaints from your student about what you did during your ‘pastime‘ so I decided to give this thread a look.

I thought I made it very clear to you about dos and donts of being a House Master- no sex of any kind, even if it’s on FAN FICTION. Now I want to see you in my office because we really have to talk about this.

Principal Bryar

Haha! In your face, Mr. Way!! ::haha: