House of Wolves

House Master Way meets Principal Bryar


Allright girls, so you know I’ve been called by Principal Bryar regarding this matter, so here’s what we talk about that day.


Principal Bryar: Mr. Way, I hope you understand the image we try to maintain here. This is an elite boarding school, parents are paying lotsa money for their children, this kind of things wont be good for our image.

Me: Yes sir

Principal Bryar: So is this story you wrote a fact or fiction?

Me: ::naughty:

Principal Bryar: So you really had it? How was it?

Me: Yes. It’s freakin’ amazing! We had it… and it was *toot* and *toot* and *toot* so when we *toot* , it was all so *toot* awesome!!! (*toot*=censored)

Principal Bryar: :shock:

Me: *sings* The principal and the students they adore me so but its really quite alarming coz im such an awful *tooooooooot* !!!


HAHAHA! He’s on my side, suckers!! ::nana: