Gustav- Another Katrina

Day 3

So today was not much different then yesterday. We rode around the parish and can I tell you that my area is probably one of the hardest hit areas and we are still getting rain from the bands left from Gustav. On the news, there was only 1 fatality that I know of. A couple from Abiville that had evacuated to their daughter's house were killed when a tree fell on the house killing the 71 and 72 year olds instantly. Nothing is open, and the only things open are certain stores. The lines for fuel and groceries were over 1 hour at the least. But a lot of places did not sustain that much damage. The only damage I have seen that could have knocked out our power is in Gonzales in front of Gonzales Primary School, a utility pole snapped in three places. Most of the places have trees with power lines wrapped around it in the middle of the road. Well, I hope we get power back soon because I realy stink.