Gustav- Another Katrina

Day 4

Well, we finally got power back after three days. And now they are talking about another hurricane hitting us just like Rita after Katrina. Why does it have to rain? I mean haven't we got enough rain during the storm, we do not need more rain that could flood us even more. But at least I was able to eat a hot, juicy, and greasy hamburger today as one of my favorite restuarants in Gonzales was open. Thank God for Brewbacher's not sustaining any damage except for losing parts of its sign. I have been thanking god for a lot of things lately. Especially seeing that our area wasn't the hardest hit area, I am thankful also that my family and friends were safe. The only damge to any of my family was that a tree fell on my uncle's trailer, but he was over at his mother-in-law's house next door. So the day after the hurricane was over and we were able to get through the roads, we went check on my family. We helped them move some stuff from their house to their next door neighbor's house. During that time, I had been carrying the harddrive of their new computer down their slippery steps when I fell but I saved the computer from falling in the water. The only thing I have from that experience is I know that I helped save their new computer but I also have a bruise about the size of my entire hand on my left hip that hurts really bad. Well, I am glad that I can go to sleep and not have to worry about waking up with the sun because it is to hot. We are one of the lucky ones that got power early. In some places they are predicting that those citizens will be without power for a minimum of 21 days or less and a max of about 6 weeks. Now I don't know about you but 3 to 6 weeks without power and without air conditioner is bad. I pray that the power will be restored soon to those people and know that my prayers go out to every single person in the hardest hit area of Houma and the area of Terrebonne Parish.
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I want to thank my readers and I want them to know that I will continue my story as the clean-up continues in my area. Also some other info the gas lines have gone done as more places open but that doesn't help the lines at some places as more people are getting out to get gas and survey the damage. Please comment on how I am doing or how long you want me to continue my story until I go back to school or after or at least until life is back to normal.