Gustav- Another Katrina

Day 5

Well, the only thing I can say about getting power back is thank the lord that I can finally get a good night sleep without having to wake up sweating. For the last few days I have been having to wake up with the sun because it was so hot, but today I was able to sleep past the sun to a time I would normally wake-up at. But the only bad thing is that we have to sleep in the living room instead of on our beds because whenever it rains real hard and floods our yard, red ants invade our house. They are all over my parent's bed, my brother's bed, and even my bed. However, this power could be short lived because looking at the news, it looks like Hurricane Ike that is in the Atlantic could pass up Florida like it was originally plotted to go and come hit us just like another Hurricane Rita. At night's it is eerie being the only ones in your area that had lights. Across the street, you can still hear the generator running even though the lights on the street are running and the side street besides us has power. I think. Well today is not going to be hard, I get to stay in the air conditioner. But that may not happen because my mother is talking about us going help my uncle and aunt that had a tree fall on their trailer, so more time in the heat. But at least I have a hot shower that I can come home to.
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Sorry if I don't update in a few days we are trying to clean-up even though we have power there is still alot of debris in our yard. Please continue to comment on how you like my tale. Please. Comments=Love=updates