Gustav- Another Katrina

Day 7

Hi guys, well the clean-up is almost complete, and mostly everywhere in Ascension Parish has power back. I hate to say it but school starts Tuesday and I am not happy about it. Why does school have to start back up so soon. We are all keeping our eyes on Ike as it is being predicted to hit somewhere between Florida and Texas and we are in the middle of that area. My friend was over today and we chilled and talked. I think tomorrow I may see if my moim can take me shopping with some money that I was supposed to get before the storm. But because of the storm coming I couldn't get my money which I was mad about. We still don't have cable yet. I mean how long does it take for someone to get power back.
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Sorry if the next few days are slow because I have to get ready for school. Plus I think my story will only go on for at least three more days. And then I might have another story if Hurricane Ike hits us. So let me know how you feel about that or should I let my story go longer.