Supermassive Black Hole

C'mon, Mr. Stranger man!

Instantly when I got inside the throngs of people overwhelmed me. Looking around, I realized I had completely lost my group of friends. Sighing, I headed over to a table where I saw drinks, and got a glass of water, looking around.

I jumped as I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see a tall man, about my age, gazing down at me. He was very good looking, with a prominent chin and hazel eyes that glittered from behind his plastic glasses. Even though he was in a tux, he had a beanie hat on, and his messy brown hair fell out of it at the edges. He smiled slightly, revealing perfect teeth.

"Looking for someone?" He asked in an American accent. Dazzled, I choked before shrugging.

"It's not urgent." I said, any thoughts of my friends were gone from my mind. For now I just wanted to get to know this man better.

"Well, I guess what I really meant was to ask," He rubbed the back of his neck as he shot me a shy smile. "Is, do you have anyone who's going to murder me if I talk to you? I mean- gosh." He covered his eyes for a moment, sighed, and then looked at me. "Are you single?"

I laughed softly; it was cute how shy this man was turning out to be.

"Yes," I confirmed. "Are you...?"

"Yeah." He said quickly. "So... um... I was wondering if you'd like to-" He motioned back to the dance floor, where they had been playing slow songs, and people were gently swaying back and forth.

"Dance?" I asked nervously. "That would be lovely and all, but I really can't dance."

"Me neither." He laughed, and then he glanced back at the dance floor, then turned to me.

"Ok, please.' He said. "My brother Zeke bet me I wouldn't dance with anyone tonight... because I'm a bit shy. So I asked you... because you're the prettiest one here, and..." His cheeks flushed a bit, as well as mine. We stood there for a moment, just gazing at each other, before I grabbed his hand.

"C'mon, Mr. Mystery man, you have some dancing to do." His eyes lit up.

"Thank you Mrs. Stranger Woman! I owe you one."

"Nah," I excused him, "It'll be nice. And my name's Stefanie."

"I’m Jeremy." He said, and then whisked me onto the dance floor, mixing us in with the couples.

Carefully and gently, he put one arm on my waist and continued to hold my other hand, pulling me close to him. As we swayed back and forth, I smiled up at him. He sweetly beamed back, and squeezed my hand tighter.

Suddenly a voice came from behind us.

"Aw Jeremy, now I'll have to pay you!" I briefly pulled away from Jeremy, noticing he hadn't let my hand go.

I looked up into the disappointed yet happy face of a very pale man with shoulder length black hair that framed his gaunt face.

"Stefanie, this is my brother Zeke." Jeremy introduced us politely. I looked between the two, and noticed they both had the same light hazel eyes, and were wearing matching suits, completely black with a red tie.

"Nice to meet you." Zeke said politely, shaking my hand.

"Likewise." I said, "So how much did I just help Jeremy win?"

"You knew about the bet?" he asked. I nodded.

"Damn. I should have said he couldn't tell the girl about it." He mumbled.

"I would have danced with him anyways," I said honestly.

"Aww." Zeke said, eyes softening and all disappointment left his face. "Well ifJeremy finally found someone decent, it's worth the hundred."

"A hundred?" I asked, aghast. "That much?!"

"We're kind of rich." Zeke explained. "We had a CD out that hit big, and now we're here in England writing."

"What kind of CD?" I asked, perking up at the subject of music.

"Er, rock, if you will. The band's name is RipCage."

"Never heard of them." I admitted.

"It's not important right now." Zeke waved it away. "Go on and dance with Jeremy." I blushed and looked up at Jeremy, during which Zeke slipped away.

"So." Jeremy said with a hopeful smile. "Do you actually want to keep dancing now that I won, or do you want to get rid of me?"

Dazzled by his smile, I just nodded. He smiled even bigger and pulled me back against him.

As we danced, we talked about everything; him, me, and anything could think of.

We were in our own little bubble, and it only broke when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to see Matt, who was standing there with an odd look I didn't recognize on his face. Immediately butterflies flew up to my stomach, and my breathing almost halted. Slipping my hand from Jeremy's I gulped and looked up at matt.

"Hey." I said, trying to sound casual.

"Hey, I was looking for you." Matt said awkwardly.

"Oh- sorry!" I said instantly. "What did you need me for?" Matt looked up at Jeremy, who towered over him, then back at me.

"Nothing," He mumbled. "Who's this?"

"Jeremy." I said, and then turned to Jeremy. "This is my friend Matt." Jeremy nodded, and said hello. Matt barely returned the words before taking one last glance at me, and scampering away.

Resisting the urge to chase after him, I turned back to Jeremy.

"Did you, erm, need to talk to him?" Jeremy asked cautiously. "He looked upset."

"There's no reason to be." I said, anxiously.

"It was probably me." Jeremy said in a guilty voice. "Jealous or summit."

"Jealous of me?" I snorted. "Naw. It's probably something small, he'll tell me later."

"Okay..." He said hesitantly, before looking around. "You thirsty?"

"Dreadfully." I admitted, and we walked together over to the table of drinks. Emma was there this time, chatting cheerfully with Dom.

"Oh, Stefanie!" She said, noticing me. "Did Matt find you? He said it was urgent."

"That's not what he told me." I said, frowning. "Little liar-pants."

"Oh, so he found you." Dom said, knowingly . "Did he say anything... surprising?"

"Was he supposed to?" I asked, completely confused. "Am I missing something?"

"No." Dom said quickly, shaking his shaggy head. "I guess he decided not to." I frowned suspiciously, then jumped as Jeremy cleared his throat from beside me.

"OH!" I said, slapping myself mentally. "Guys, this is Jeremy. Jeremy, this is Emma and Dom."

"Pleasure to meet you." Jeremy said pleasantly, extending his hand to each in turn.

"So, anyways, Stef." Emma said, wiggling her eyebrows. "I believe you need to come with me to the loo." I gulped, knowing what was coming.

She grasped my arm, and started tugging me away.

"Details, Stefanie." She said, once we were in privacy. "I want them all."