The Covenant Day: Vampires Don't Want to Hurt You

Chapter 5: The Ritual

Jack nodded grimly and led the way into his house. It was time for the ritual. He sat down upon his floor, and the others did the same, making a circle. He opened up the velvet bag and extracted its contents: a knife, a book, and a golden goblet. He then helped his friends remove the five unconscious humans from their cars.

When they were safely inside the house he uttered the three dreaded words: "Time to bleed."

The others nodded grimly and took there places around the circle. Then they did what they did every year for the past 5 years, ever since they were old enough to master the ritual: They bled the five humans. They bled them until they were near death, and then they took the goblet. Jack being the oldest took it first. He raised it above his head.

"I want to be good," he said. "I want to be normal. I don't want to do this anymore. I don't want to be a monster." As a single tear slid down his cheek he drank, and he handed the goblet to Nathaniel. He did the same, and they passed it around the circle until it was empty. When the goblet had been washed, and the knife had been scrubbed, they loaded up the cars and drove to a dark alley. There, they dropped the unconscious humans, called nine-one-one and sped away from the area, hoping an ambulance would get there in time.

Jack hated this day, all of them hated it. But they knew this was the only thing they could do. It was the only thing that would sustain the covenant, attacking a human once every year to feed, so that they would not have to go through the horrible hunting processes every day. They knew it was the only way. Every other day of the year they could be human, go to school, hang out with friends like every one else. But on this day he could not. On the Covenant Day he was not human. On this day he was a vampire, a monster.