Airport Smokes

Airport Smokes

Standing at the airport, waving goodbye.
She could feel the way everything was slowly, but steadily slipping through her hands. Or flying away, you might say.
The way he held her hand and touched her cheek. Her hands were sweaty, and her cheek burning from where he had touched it. She looked up - 'NO SMOKING' the sign said.
Who were they to tell her, what to do? God.

Whilst keeping a watchful eye, she turned the corner, and took out a smoke.
Where was he now?
To keep her from smoking in the corners and say: 'It's not good for your health, Adrienne'.
Where to she would retort telling him, he introduced her to this little affair. To be honest, she had waited for the moment he would be gone, and she could take out that pack of smokes, she had kept hidden from him, so well.
But now... All she wanted was to put it out, and stop thinking of him.
So she did. There you have it, she said to no one. No one, but the only person who would never know. She would become the girl who would always think of how he held her when she cried, how their hands had intertwined.

She leaned up against the wall and titled her head back. Closing her eyes, letting out a sigh. Then something grabed her hand, pinned her up the wall and kissed her slightly exposed neck. It was him. She could smell the sweet scent of his dark brown hair.
She couldn't open her eyes now. She wouldn't. It would be shattering not to see his face before her eyes. Feeling people rush her by, she slowly opened the corner of her eye.
Trying once more - she closed her eyes and slowly opened...

Cold white tiles sending shivers down her spine, and water streaming out from above her. She was back in the shower. It had been one of those mornings again.
After he left...
♠ ♠ ♠
so, that's it for now (: I hope you liked it.
Please comment :)