Random Rampage Much

Okay. So just try and stop us. We’re SO gonna take over the world. Maybe not today. Maybe not even tomorrow; but sometime in the future.

I think.

But later on we’re still gonna go: on a wild rampage around Spilsby; end up at some rave party at a club in the middle of nowhere; get hammered; beat up some gangster kids who think they’re the bomb; smash a pie in Sam’s face; buy some nachos and some cool shiz; and then we’ll probably end up sleeping outside Tesco’s in a twelve man tent. But yeah. Let me introduce you to the gang.

So there’s Sam; Kelly; McGee; Jimmy; Mitch and Me. But it’s pretty obvo that I need to come first. You ask why? Answer: Just because.

Anyway, let’s start with:

Me. (Katiie/Abby/Random-Name-Inserted-Here):
Three words I would use to describe myself are: Ginger, random, fruit-loop. So yeah; technically it is four words but hyphenated words don’t really count do they? But anyway, I don’t really care. I like music and computers, dancing, reading, drawing, movies, shoes and pretty much anything retro or bright.

Sam. (Nacho-Boi): He's here on Mibba somewhere. Three words I would use to describe Sam are: Fun, strange, annoying. Sam’s a pretty cool guy to be fair. He’s pretty much obsessed with MSI. He likes to laugh at people. Especially Kelly and Reece. (Reece doesn’t get a profile because; to be fair; he’s pretty much a total psychopathic raving goit!) Anyway; Sam likes music; MSI; nachos; writing stories; drawing and laughing. Oh yeah. He also owns a ninja bandit zebra racoon named Bert.

Then there’s Kelly. Three words I would use to describe Kelly are: Caring, amazing, crazy. She’s great. She’s abit like me really, but she likes hockey and football. She will always stick up for you if you need help.

McGee (Adam): He’s just amazing. He loves NCIS like me, and pretty much backs me up against everyone else and agrees with most things I say. He hates Reece (well actually most people do) but likes listening to music and playing random techno games and knows a fair bit about pretty much everything.

Jimmy and Mitch are kind of techno-computer-gadget guys. Mitch likes to draw anime and cool stuff; listen to music and have fun. Jimmy likes laughing at people; writing in maths textbooks and winding people up.

That’s pretty much everybody that you need to know about summed up.

Other people that probably are of no interest to you are:
Dale: he’s abit strange and thinks he’s cool because he owns a man-bag and a man-purse.
Reece: he’s just a total psychopathic raving goit that carries knives. He also fancies Kel and Me.
Random gimps: they pretty much occur throughout our little journey but we whoop their Asses. (Well most of the time anyway.)

But yea. Here's our Random Rampage.
  1. And So It Begins...
    The night before my birthday. We encounter chavs and Mitch stands ontop of a phone box and the caravan. =)
  2. Rampage In Spilsby
    We go on a rampage around Spilsby beating up chavs that are after us and I get some random happy birthday messages. We also meet Jimmy and McGee.
  3. Rave Parties
    We end up at a rave and some major hot guy ends up tagging along with us.
  4. Lights Out
    We end up being knocked out, stuck in room with no doors, laughed at in an arena and end up facing Reece again.
  5. Camping, Nachos and Pie
    We go to Tesco's, eat nachos, and Reece causes more trouble, and, oh yeah, Kelly dies.